Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pete Garcia: The Shadow Of The Horsemen

The Shadow of the Horsemen

“Shadows are interesting things. They communicate a reality, yet, they themselves are not really real. They indicate the thing that is coming, yet, they are not the things themselves.” – Pastor Ken Ortize (Calvary Chapel Spokane)

While the terrifying horsemen of the Apocalypse have not yet begun their fateful ride across our planet, they are coming, and soon. Even now we can see their shadow stretching out before them, and hear, as it were, the echoes of their galloping hoof steps long before their arrival.

In fact, the closer we draw to that hour, the louder the sound grows and more ominous and shadowy our surroundings become. It is not only the sound that precedes them but also the force of events their galloping causes as if it were pushing the air ahead of them much in the same way strong winds often precede a storm front pushing through. We can see the foundations beginning to take shape, which will ultimately find its fulfillment inside the 70th Week of Daniel, even in our own day.

God allows this pre or ante-types of echoes, to foreshadow the horror to come. Not to scare the believer, but as a warning for us that time is running out. The reason it is obvious to us, and not the world is because the world is not looking for it. Furthermore, they are incapable of understanding what is transpiring right in front of their very eyes. The convergence of the signs is for those who are watching to know the season and to see that day approaching, as the Bible instructs.

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:24-25

Listed below, are the four events foreshadowing the coming of the four horsemen of the apocalypse (not the horsemen themselves). These are the “once in a human history” events that are setting the stage for the horsemen to ride so that when that time comes, they will need no tactical pause or delay once Christ opens their seals to unleash them. These are the things the Bible states are necessary for our age to come to its predestined end. I will list the Revelation 6 passage, and then the corresponding signs which precede them.


Given that we are now seeing the shadows of these horsemen in our day, what does this mean for you and me? What are we to do with this information?

First of all, we must recognize that our time remaining, is incredibly short. Things are being condensed and compacted to the point that this convergence has been coming at us like a flood. This should promote two reactions from us: 1) Loosen our grip on the things of this world, 2) step up to become the Watchmen God has called us to be.

Second, knowing the time is nigh, we should have a sense of urgency and seriousness in regards to our outreach. Whether that is a ministry we run, we support, or just in the personal relationships at home and work, we must strive to present the gospel to everyone, everywhere. This is hard, especially when doing this for people who know us best.

Lastly, focus on what is important. What is important, are those things that are eternal. Football, movies, music, stocks, and bonds (personal wealth), careers, etc. are all fading away. All the systems we held in reverence, for so long, are fading away. Even the COVID-19 lockdowns proved that true with the complete disruption of normal life. Only what we do for Christ will last forever.

The only “new normal” from here on out, will be that there is no more normal life. 2020 was not as bad as it will get; 2020 was only the beginning. 

Each month and year from here on out will continually escalate and drive this world to the point where a one-world government is the only viable solution.

This is by design. Although I believe we are to be salt and light in our communities, by joining the local school boards and standing up against the socialist encroachment, just remember the Bible forewarned us that things would get worse before they got better. And while things may start to look their bleakest, just remember the words of our Lord.

“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” – Luke 21:28 (emphasis mine)

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