Monday, August 9, 2021

Jonathan Brentner: Unforgettable Faces

Jonathan Brentner

On June 27, 1969, Life magazine published the pictures of the 242 U.S. soldiers who died in the Vietnam conflict from May 28 through June 3, 1969. I was sixteen at the time and to this day I recall the haunting effect that the faces of those young men had on me.

The striking display brought the horrors of war to life for everyone who saw the display.

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of another battle that’s far more deadly than the one in Southeast Asia so long ago.

It also has its victims, faces that often flash across social media before the censors delete them in one way or another.

For me, many of the images in this conflict remain unforgettable.

Though it gets little attention in the U.S., Muslims in Nigeria have killed many believers in this nation. Some estimate that they have martyred three thousand in 2021 alone. I recall one particular image on social media of men carrying the caskets of their slain fellow believers. I will not soon forget the expressions of grief and resolve on their faces. I also remember the picture of a Nigerian pastor sitting at his desk before radicals took his life because he refused to deny Jesus.

The war against Bible-believing Christians in the U.S. looks different at the moment, but may also turn deadly.

If you listen to the mainstream media, you’re likely to get the impression that it’s only evangelical Christians who resist the vaccine and are thereby solely to blame for the mounting COVID deaths. The reality is that only half of the population in America has received the injections; it’s not just believers who are resisting the push to receive the jab. I know of many outside the faith that adamantly oppose the mRNA injections.

However, frustration is mounting in the U.S. government as the resistance grows even stronger. I witnessed the enraged demeanor of Joe Biden as he rushed to a microphone to loudly and repeatedly proclaim that the “unvaccinated are killing people.”

I believe that eventually the blame for COVID deaths will fall on Bible-believing Christians regardless of their vaccination status. If there ever was a time heed Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:16, it is now: We must be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us we already participate in this war, but it’s about to become much more real as the hostility toward us ramps up.

Of all the faces that I have recently seen, the most haunting are those who have died as the direct result of the mRNA shots. I have seen dozens of such pictures and heard scores of stories from grieving loved ones as well as from those permanently injured as a result of the vaccine.

The CDC itself reports that 10,991 people in the United States have died as a result of the COVID-19 injections and that 9,274 recipients are now permanently disabled because of them. (The death count in Europe currently stands at 20,525 from the COVID-19 shots.)

Can you imagine the impact of a magazine spread the pictures of the thousands who have perished as a result of receiving the vaccine?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a real world with compassion, caring law-abiding Leaders, those jabs would had been halted, pulled, a long time ago after only a few deaths, and the many injuries, were established, IMO!

The science is not there, more work needs done, or the virus isn't there, new leaders new put in, or there is a revolt coming, don't know, but sure are some whacked out folks that keep giving, and getting some experimental
junk into them that is failing daily, in my opinion! Done!