Sunday, August 8, 2021

Fauci Accused Of Overseeing Torturous Experiments On Dogs

Fauci Accused of Overseeing Torturous Experiments on Dogs

A new report reveals that Dr. Anthony Fauci was in charge of horrific experiments on homeless dogs, including purposefully infecting the animals with parasites known to be contagious to humans.The disturbing report from the White Coat Waste Project draws on evidence obtained via a FOIA request which revealed that $400,000 was pumped into National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Disease experiments to deliberately infect beagles with parasites from biting flies.

The report describes how the dogs “endured months of pain, and once researchers were done with them, they were killed.” reports: The NIAID task order states that “28 beagles were to be allowed to develop infections for three months before being euthanized for blood collection.”

The records obtained under the FOIA request show the dogs “vocalized pain” during the experiments.

Torturing and killing dogs, the most loving and innocent creatures on Earth, with deadly parasites that are also extremely dangerous to people.

Can this guy get any more evil?

As noted by Justin Goodman, one of the authors of the report, experimental and cruel research on dogs was ended a long time ago by the EPA and other agencies, because there’s very little of use to us that can be gleaned scientifically from it, yet Fauci’s agency continued with it nonetheless.

Host Lara Logan chimed in, commenting “How could you not love dogs? This has to be something that people everywhere are united on,” adding “In fact, they’re supposed to be far fewer experiments on animals, particularly dogs, because so many people are really just horrified by it. There’s ethical considerations, moral considerations and of course, there’s the practical considerations.”

Dr. Fauci is increasingly becoming Dr. Evil. Over and over again, the decisions that he made that have just destroyed millions of lives all over the world are becoming more apparent by day,” Logan added.

Dr Fauci Spent $424K On Experiments Where Dogs Were Bitten To Death By Flies

Experimenters admit this investigational drug, “has been extensively tested and confirmed… in different animal models such as mice… Mongolian gerbils… and rhesus macaques….”

These documents were obtained by White Coat Waste Project using the Freedom of Information Act.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has also been conducting a series of secret experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats.

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