Sunday, August 8, 2021

Developing Now...

Developing Now

Daymond Duck

Concerning world government: on July 28, 2021, a prophecy teacher posted a video on her website in which someone made a couple of statements that really caught my attention:

“We are headed toward a worldwide dictatorship.”
“A global medical dictatorship is rising.”

Writer’s comment: It is hard to deny that the shadow government is using unelected individuals to dictate policies (masks should be required, vaccinations should be mandatory, people that disagree with them should be censored; lockdowns should be ordered, etc.) to nations all over the world.

The government of Antichrist will be a worldwide dictatorship, and it is developing now.

It may even be more developed than most people realize because it doesn’t appear that Biden is in charge at the White House, and someone has made Covid a global issue.

On July 30, 2021, Bloomberg reported that “More than 4.06 billion doses have been administered across 180 countries…. The latest rate was roughly 39.7 million doses a day.”

Below is more information about Covid than this writer likes to put in one article, especially with everything else that is happening, but this idea that Covid is being used to establish a global medical dictatorship needs to be explored.


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