Sunday, August 8, 2021

A Campaign Against Tyranny

A Campaign Against Tyranny

We are dealing with a virus that around 99.7% of people will easily survive according to the medical establishment’s own studies and stats as well as numerous independent studies, yet, for some reason we are being bombarded with fear mongering from the media and from governments.

Why is the only solution being suggested to the general public involve us giving up all of our freedoms and medical autonomy? Why is 99.7% of the population supposed to lock down, mask up and submit to an experimental mRNA vaccine with no long term testing data to prove its safety? Why don’t the 0.26% of people that are truly at risk of dying from the virus simply take precautions or stay home while the rest of us get on with normal life? Hell, I would be fine with contributing to a fund to help support the 0.26% at risk, to help their families and help with their medical bills.

The Federal Reserve and other central banks burned trillions of dollars in stimulus measures and PPP loans to keep businesses from going completely bankrupt, and to keep jobless “non-essential” workers from starving during the initial shutdowns. But , we could have simply kept the economy going this entire time and paid a fraction of that cost helping the tiny minority of people that would actually suffer from the illness.

Yes, that’s right, I’ll say it again and again because I STILL to this day see the media and misinformed covid cultists continually claim the death rate of covid is much higher. It is not. The median Infection Fatality rate of covid is ONLY 0.26%. This is a FACT. This is the science according the vast majority of medical studies out there on the IFR. Let me repeat: The entire world is being locked down and told we have to give up our inherent human liberties because 0.26% of the population might get more than sniffles and brain fog from a covid infection. Why?

Well, that’s easy; because the covid response and restrictions have nothing to do with public health and everything to do with public control.


WVBORN56 said...

I agree almost completely with this article. My one minor disagreement is he overly underreports the symptoms of COVID. It is considerably more than brain fog and the sniffles. Of course this is antidotal but when I had it last December I missed work for two weeks. I'm in my 60's so I'm probably a bit more at risk. It was comparable to the flu but in addition I had the loss of taste and a rash. I've been in more achy in the past with the flu but much weaker for longer with COVID.

I still think is beyond nonsensical to lock down the young and healthy and destroy the economy for what in my opinion amounts to the flu. In addition it is beyond evil to push an experimental "vaccine" and deny people Ivermectin, a proven treatment for COVID. My sister-in-law currently has this virus and the doctor refuses to prescribe this drug. You ask your doc for any other drug and they gladly prescribe it. They are apparently afraid of repercussions should they give it to their patients.

Anonymous said...

Brandon, loved your well articulated sequenced Article; Much Appreciated!!

I concur with EVERYTHING you have written!! Yes, some folks might be more uncomfortable with said Covid if contracted, BUT this goes along with what you've suggested, which in your equation of explaining steps to avoid over-reach from Government, it's in alignment with known medicines MADE available to be in the equation; We realized through those that breed truths against liar's in the background, our majority of populace don't contract Covid, and healthy folks that have, recovered!!! American's have become lazy/wimpy, with our gadgets, many apathetic with hopelessness Gov. suggest subliminally to endure, but rest assured, IMO the majority Know, this is our chance to say, "NO" to Hitler Tactic's employed, and NOT be plain stupid!!! Folks need tackle this with all their strong convictions, prayers to God, and understanding that collectively, American's are being raped of our Freedoms!!!

The main subject matter is fight, however this might look like for, NO Passports, NO infringe on Freedoms under the guise of this well known now, RUSE, IMO!! Personally, in my opinion, ALL those elitists/Gov. crooks, globalist's involved need to be held in GTMO, freeze all their assets, push for Military Tribunal Courts, and perhaps more
extreme punishments after said and done for all crimes
against humanity to which our criminals profited from greatly with their drunk for power consuming them, and whom were involved in Evil beyond Hell on Earth, IMO!!

Alice said...

WVBORN, literally nothing makes sense around any of this. In August of 2020 I purchased HCQ through a telemed group because I learned that doctors here in the wonderful state of IL were afraid to prescribe it. Thankfully, I haven’t needed it nor has anyone in my family. Last week, however, a sister in Christ came down with the virus so I gave her my bottle. She’s doing fine now, of course. All that to say, I feel like a black-market drug dealer - all for a safe drug that’s over-the-counter in some countries! It’s all so bizarre and ludicrous.

Just ordered my new prescription to keep on the shelf. Decided to get ivermectin this time. If anyone is reading this and is interested in having the stuff on hand, I can vouch for speakwithanMD .com.