Thursday, November 12, 2020

Who Reigns?

Our God Reigns

By Dennis Huebshman

With all the hype that’s going on today, people worldwide are holding their breaths because of our presidential election. On both sides of the fence, people are worried that their candidate won’t win. Even though the official election is over, the outcome is still in question. It may take a month or so before there is an absolute decision. It’s evident that people are looking in the wrong direction for answers. (any emphasis mine)

First, it’s obvious that there are spiritual forces at work, each with their own agendas. The one force that rules overall is the Lord God Jehovah. Satan has entered the arena throughout the world in preparation for the coming of the ultimate evil antichrist and his false prophet. One thing to remember, he can only do what the Father will allow. God is aware of every issue today, and is not surprised by any of them. Everything is spelled out in scripture, and God’s timing is perfect.

While not trying to judge anyone, as that task belongs to God, there are those who are pushing for a one-world currency, one-world government and even an all-encompassing one-world religion. 

This is not new as John told us in 1 John 2:18 that there were already antichrists in the world.

Through 1 John chapters 4 and 5, we’re told that false prophets were already in this world. 

An absolute key verse is 1 John 5:12; “Whoever has the Son, has life; whoever does not have the Son of God, does not have life.” There are no “except for” comments or any other options. We cannot remain “neutral” in this battle. John 3:18, John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:8 and Romans 8:1 all say that Jesus is our only Savior. John 10:30 specifically states that; “The Father and I are One.”

Romans 6:23 gives a firm warning, and then a message of victory. “For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Again, specific and to the point, and offered to all who will receive and accept the gift. A gift is only useful if received, opened and accepted.

Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and others all said that satanic activity would increase near the end of this age. It will be full-blown in the 7-year wrath/tribulation period, but God has promised that all true believers, that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, will be kept from going through that time. (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10; Revelation 3:10)

Question; has there been an obvious increase in evil? Are there not churches (?) of satan that have come out in the open in the last decade or so? Is not just about everything and everyone that is of Jesus being condemned as causing hatred toward all people with alternative lifestyles that are an abomination to God?

As humans, it’s normal for us to be concerned about the things of this world, but we should not be totally demoralized by them. We must remember we have a Heavenly Father who is, and always will be, in total control. The closer we get to Him, and the stronger the relationship we develop with Jesus, the things of this earth won’t be quite so overwhelming.

John 16:33 one more time; “(Jesus said), I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulations; but take heart; I have overcome the world.”

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