Saturday, November 7, 2020

A Summary Of The 'Mass Animal Death Events' Since 2011

One Of The Most Censored Stories In The World Will Have Grave Repercussions: Over 5,000 'Mass Animal Death Events' Since 2011 As Globalists Depopulation Agenda Kicks Into Overdrive

According to this little-read October 16th story at Yahoo News, the nation of Japan has decided the best way to get rid of over 1.23 million metric tons of radioactive nuclear waste from the horrific April of 2011 earthquake at Fukushima will be to dump it into the Pacific ocean. 

While all of the remote-controlled robots sent into the site of the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant reportedly 'died' due to the incredibly high amount of leaked radioactive materials that completely destroyed their wiring, as the Guardian had reported in this October 23rd story, some scientists have warned that highly contaminated reactor water could damage human DNA if released, with ‘dangerous’ levels of carbon-14 existing in the water that could be released into the Pacific ocean. 

And while over the past year+, the attention of most Americans has rightfully been fixed upon the recent Presidential election and the Democrats attempts to 'rig' that election for globalist-Joe Biden, leftists rioting all across the country, as well as upon the lockdowns across America due to Covid-19 tyranny being unveiled, as Manlio Dinucci reported in this recent story over at Global Research, very little attention has been paid to that story out of Japan that could affect the lives of not only every human being upon the planet but all animal life as well. 

As Steve Quayle had warned in an SQnote while linking to the Global Research story on his website, what Japan is planning on doing could also lead to the extinction of all sea life upon our planet. And as we had reported on ANP back in December of 2019 in this story titled "A Ticking Time Bomb Is Sitting Off Of America's West Coast That Scientists Can't Explain: Staggering Number Of 'Mass Animal Death' Events Worldwide The Past 8 Years", there have already been a huge number of 'mass animal death events' since 2011 and the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima. 

The list below comes to us from the website End Times Prophecy

In 2019, there were 436 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 72 countries

In 2018, there were 388 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 67 countries

In 2017, there were 454 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 82 countries.

In 2016, there were 556 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 81 countries

In 2015, there were 828 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 96 countries.

In 2014, there were 651 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 76 countries

In 2013, there were 798 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 93 countries.

In 2012, there were 465 KNOWN 'mass animal death events' spread across 67 countries

In 2011, there were hundreds of KNOWN 'mass animal death events' across the planet.

And as End Times Prophecy website also reports, so far in 2020, there have already been 242 known mass animal death events spread across 66 different countries. Imagine how many more there might be in the years ahead should Japan release the 1 million+ metric tons of radioactive waste into the ocean! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Japan and nuclear power do not mix...radioactive polution of the seas -wormwood,