Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Reality Of Sweden's Lack Of "Lockdown" vs Western Media's Incorrect, Misleading Narrative

Destroying Western Media’s “Swedish Public Health Disaster” Narrative In Two Simple Charts

“In order to control public opinion of the masses, the ruling class should “regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments [soldiers’] bodies.”
– Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
– Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

Since the end of July, there have been a lot of completely false and misleading stories about the failures of Sweden’s no lockdown policy and Sweden officials’ choices to not tyrannically shut down businesses in Sweden, to only suggest that the elderly vulnerable population self-quarantine, and to allow for the complete normalization of life under the conditions. Of course, the criticisms of portraying life as completely normal in Sweden had some merit. The most normalized behavior occurred in Stockholm, and though no businesses were ordered to close, some more cautious, conservative business owners chose to shut down their cinemas and ski resorts chose to voluntarily close and GDP in Sweden is still forecast to shrink by 4%. Still a 4% annual shrinkage in GDP is 1000 times more preferable to the annual pace of a 32.9% drop in GDP forecast in America just this past quarter.

Furthermore, if the most human interaction is happening in Stockholm, the most densely populated city in Sweden with a central population of 1.5M and a metropolitan population of over 2.4M, then this fact would serve as stronger proof, not weaker proof, that their no-lockdown, normal life behavior approach was a resounding success.This logical, science-based and humanitarian approach starkly contrasted with the totalitarian, misanthropic ruling class’s approach to restrict the movements of everyone, including fully-abled healthy people with strong immune systems, and legislating mandated stay-at-home orders for large swaths of entire nations, orders which the United Nations claim may bring 260 million people to the verge of starvation by year’s end, which would make the State leaders responsible for an outcome, if it happens, guilty of genocide on a scale that would make Hitler, Mao, and Mussolini’s repugnant genocidal feats appear as child’s play.

In fact, in response to my legitimate claims that Sweden’s no-lockdown response was the only science-based response to covid 19 in the entire world, and also, non-coincidentally, the most successful response, I heard many Westerners attempt to rebut my arguments with counterclaims that were not the result of any research or intellect, but the consequence of obedient parroting of Western media headlines, that on the surface, seemed to dispute the science I had presented.

In response to Sweden’s massive success rates with its no lockdown policy, the only State that dared stand up to the global banking cartel that was likely behind the global economic lockdown policy, the Western mass media deployed a pre-emptive counterstrike by literally releasing hundreds of articles about the grave “failure” of Sweden’s no lockdown policy and disseminating these articles to millions of websites online.

 So even though I debunked their false claims already in this article, since social media has reduced everyone’s attention span to small chunks of a few seconds at a time, with the exception of a handful for every million, I’ve created a couple of charts, drawing data from the sites of the US Centers for Disease Control and Folkhälsomyndigheten, the Public Health Agency of Sweden, to address this problem whereby the false Western mass media narrative about Sweden’s virus response will be destroyed in a glance.

In the top chart, when we compare the mortality rates of covid19 in Sweden v. the US, including all data until the end of July, the US’s mortality rate of covid 19 in the age group of less than 39 years of age was 0.58%, more than 1,230 times greater than the 0.00047% mortality rate of Sweden. Furthermore, in the age demographics of 40-59 and 59-69, the death rate in the US from covid19 versus Sweden was respectively 215 times and 211 times greater than Sweden.
In the bottom chart, I compared Sweden’s mortality rate for different age demographics compared to the US mortality rate for the common flu. For the comprehensive age group of all ages less than 60 years of age, the Swedish mortality rate of covid19 is less than 1/3rd of the American mortality rate for the common flu
Clearly, as can be easily observed in the bottom chart, the overall covid19 mortality rate for Sweden’s population was greatly skewed by nearly all covid19 deaths occurring in the above 70 year old demographic, with the majority of Sweden’s covid19 deaths occurring in those older than 80 and 90 years of age!
In any event, the hypocritical Western media that blasted Sweden’s response as a complete failure for having six times the mortality rate of its neighbors in Finland and Norway, these faux journalists should have turned their propaganda lens inward to within domestic borders and blasted a covid19 death rate in the US in the under 40 year old population that was more than 1,230 times that of Sweden. If Sweden’s response was a disaster, how would you categorize a response that was worse by a factor of more than twelve-hundred times? A complete apocalypse? And why was this rate so much higher in the US than in Sweden?

As I already stated,  it was so much higher because nearly no one died in Sweden who was under the age of 60 from this virus, so printing a headline that US deaths in the under 40 category were “apocalyptic” when compared to Sweden, though it would never happen in a million years, would still be a headline upon which I would heavily frown, as publishing such a headline would obviously only be done with the to deceive. 

Even though the data of mortality rates for the under 40-year old category would qualify as a comparison of apples to apples, in some instances, comparing apples to apples does not mean that such a comparison would not be deceitful.  Quoting statistics should not be used when one knows that their use will paint biased, misleading views of the actual situation, yet the mass media repeatedly engages in such deception with no qualms about doing so.

Likewise, the reason Sweden possessed a covid19 death rate six times higher than Finland and Norway was because
(1) Sweden’s elderly population was much greater than the elderly population  of either of those two nations; and
(2) As small as was Sweden’s mortality rates were for all age groups except the elderly, Finland and Norway’s mortality rates were even more minute.
Consequently, compare minute to minute statistics, a 6 times higher mortality rate is very easy to manufacture and can be extremely misleading.

For example if one country reports six deaths out of 100,000 and another country reports 36 deaths out of 100,000 and both nations have populations under 10 million people, reporting a mortality rate six times higher in the former nation versus the latter nation is truly misleading. Now if both nations had populations over 150M people and this were still the case, then it would be okay to report such a statistic as there would be much more truth in such a stat.

As is evident in the bottom chart, the bulk of deaths from coronavirus in Sweden happened in the over 70 year old demographic, but particularly in the over 80 year old category. If a nation has many more elderly citizens, percentage wise than another nation, then of course its overall mortality rate will be much higher, as its overall mortality rate will be greatly skewed by its large elderly population. This is why it would be fake science to extrapolate the high mortality rate of covid19 in Lombardy, a region with a high percentage of elderly, to the entire nation of Italy.

All of the Western media’s headlines about this particular set of data in Sweden in comparison to its neighboring nations was completely disingenuous and deliberately intended to mislead the American public about the “failure” of the Sweden no lockdown policy, that in reality, was among the most successful, if not the most successful, in the entire world.

If you compared the mortality rate of Sweden to another Nation A in which only 5% of Nation’s A population was over 70 years of age with 90% of its population under 60, and then published headlines, “Sweden’s Covid19 Death Rate 3,000 Times Greater than Nation A”, you would not be a journalist interested in spreading truth but a spineless coward whose printed propaganda would be directly responsible for the extension of lockdowns that would likely cause many unnecessary deaths.

In the end, I’m astonished at how many people readily parrot the complete garbage implications contained within some of the misleading headlines I’ve stated above that appeared in Western media about Sweden’s virus response “failure” with not even a single minute of consideration if the headlines were really true or not.

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