Thursday, April 9, 2020

Why Does The MSM Have To 'Manipulate' This Situation?

Nolte: CBS News Plays Italy Hospital Footage — Again — for Report on U.S. Coronavirus Response
 John Nolte

CBS has been caught broadcasting misleading hospital footage for a second time during the coronavirus pandemic.
About two weeks ago, on March 22, CBS News used deceptively-edited footage the first time. Breitbart News reported then that “Far-left CBS News was caught red-handed using chaotic footage from an Italian hospital in a story about New York City hospitals.”
“It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows,” CBS News explained unconvincingly at the time.
The establishment media’s coronavirus agenda is as sociopathic as it is obvious: up the death count. Why else would the media be actively looking to discourage those suffering from the Chinese virus from taking perfectly safe (as long as it’s in consultation with a doctor) anti-malaria drugs?
Simply put, the more Americans who die, the more it hurts President Trump’s 2020 reelection chances. And one way to mislead the American people into believing the death count is unnecessarily high is to air chaotic hospital footage from Italy — a country with socialized medicine, by the way — and tell us this is an American hospital.
In the case of the first CBS fake news broadcast, the Italian footage was used to exaggerate and misrepresent a New York hospital.
Over the weekend, CBS News again used this video to mislead its viewers, this time while talking about a Philadelphia hospital:

After @CBSNews was called out for airing footage of a hospital in Italy and saying it was New York, they apologized and said it was an error.

Less than a week later, they aired the same footage, this time when talking about Pennsylvania.

As I mentioned in my earlier piece the first time CBS intentionally misled its viewers with this footage:
Am I the only one who’s noticed how these so-called “mistakes” only ever fall in one direction?
Am I saying the media are hoping for death and chaos? Am I saying the media care more about beating Trump in 2020 than they do American lives? You’re right that what’s I’m saying.
And that’s why these mistakes only ever fall one way: in favor of the fake news media’s anti-Trump agenda.
Has the media ever made a mistake in Trump’s favor?
No. But you already knew that.
After CBS was busted using this footage the first time, CBS said it “took immediate steps to remove [the clip] from all platforms and shows.”

Well, obviously CBS didn’t.
But here’s the thing…
Ask yourself this… Why is CBS News forced to use another country’s B-roll to try to fool the American people into believing things are worse than they are?
The asking of the question answers the question… because CBS cannot get its hands on legitimate footage of U.S. hospital chaos.
And don’t for a minute believe that’s due to a lack of trying.

But as we have seen over the past few weeks, although things are bad, they are nowhere near as bad as the media hoped. Everyone who has so far needed a ventilator has gotten one. Nearby hospitals have been able to handle any overflow, so our hospitals are not overwhelmed, not even in New York,  and coronavirus patients are not stacked one upon the other.
But just don’t call CBS News the enemy of the people. That would be wrong.

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