Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Things To Come:

Force Majeure

Men like George Soros, the recently departed David Rockefeller, the Roman Catholic Church, and functionaries in and associated with the United Nations. There is undoubted many more of whom, we likely do not even know exist. These powerful men and women are avowed globalists. What that means, is they believe in true globalism, which equals, a singular, all-powerful world government. Everything else is just a means to an end. They are true believers in the idea that the cure to all that ails the world is an all-powerful, global government. From their perspective, you could end war, poverty, and man-made climate change, if a single government were in charge. Take, for example, this quote attributed to David Rockefeller,

“The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” “The Powers That Be: America’s Dirtiest Secrets”. Book by William Caniano, 2007.
While the last few years have been extremely busy at debunking anything, anyone has ever said, one could simply look at the organizations David Rockefeller has helped chair or found (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group). He was a well-known and devoted internationalist, and as such, the above quote (and many others) is not out of character. Nevertheless, what Rockefeller means here when he says “national auto-determination,” he means, the sovereignty and/or right of a nation to make its own path. The United States has its Constitution to guide its government; the British have theirs; the Russians, theirs, and so forth. What he was saying was that the world would be better off it were run by a group of supranational (or above individual nations) intellectual elite and world bankers, rather than allowing individual nations to determine their own future.
Frightful thought.

However, because he thought that way, and many other powerful men and women do as well, how do we get to there (i.e., removing auto-determination) from the world we live in now?
Force Majeure. From as neutral a source as I can find, Wikipedia
Force majeure (/ˌfɔːrs mɑːˈʒɜːr, -məˈʒɜːr/ FORSS mah-ZHUR, -⁠mə-ZHUR; French: [fɔʁs maʒœʁ]) – or vis major (Latin) – meaning “superior force”, also known as cas fortuit (French) or casus fortuitus(Latin) “chance occurrence, unavoidable accident”,[1] is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, plague, or an event described by the legal term act of God (hurricane, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.), prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. In practice, most force majeure clauses do not excuse a party’s non-performance entirely, but only suspend it for the duration of the force majeure.
In other words, acts/events that fall outside of anyone’s control. A force majeure event, forces, or can force a leveling of the playing field, a renegotiation of terms, a cancellation of obligations, and so forth. Global pandemics fall into this category.
So if we were to consider the present COVID19 (Wuhan Flu strand) a global pandemic, what is up for renegotiation? What does this mean for the average person out there? How will this be accomplished?
The 20th-century has been to date, the most violent and turbulent century on record yet at the same time, humanity was at the pinnacle of innovation, invention, and information processing. How could we get too-?
– 101 million deaths due to famine?
– 177 million deaths due to murder?
– 131 million deaths due to war?
– 1,680 million deaths due to infectious diseases?

Globalization as the end state.
Fair to say, that if I were a 20th-century globalist, with the means and ability to affect change at the national and international level, I would use crisis to advance my agenda. So what is my agenda?
Agenda: Centralization of power for a global government
Thesis: The world is a dangerous and lawless place and requires international (or supranational) laws to provide peace and security to the populace
Antithesis: Pandemics, terrorism, authoritarian despots with dangerous ideology, religious extremism, and climate change
Synthesis: Use each crisis to embolden some new global initiative that diminishes the sovereignty of the individual state, and gives power to a supranational governing body
So far, that thinking has gotten us the League of Nations (failed), the United Nations (failing), and the European Union (failing). So why, and how can the global elite of international bankers and financiers, make the world bend to their will?
When a crisis of significant magnitude occurred (force majeure), they always used those moments to advance their causes and put themselves in greater positions of authority. That is who has real power. They have set up shop in major centers of commerce, often transforming the landscape of those cities into the hubs of financial power for world leaders for centuries. I mention them only in reference to a quote that has long been attributed to the British Baron Nathan Meyer Rothschild (1840-1915), which states,

“Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws.”

However, we do know some things.
1. We know that since the beginning of the 20th-century, power has historically and consistently becoming consolidated over the past 120 years. Every time a crisis happens, the little banks are bought out by the big banks. Big businesses buy out the little businesses. That has been the model since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The federal government has grown in power and authority.
2. We know that the Bible states that in the last days, the world would go through birth pangs (Matthew 24:3-14). These birth pangs would build in frequency and intensity until the Rapture of the Church presents the world with its perfect crisis (1 Thess. 5:1-9).
3. We know that a man known as ‘the lawless one’ or the ‘Antichrist,’ will rise to power who will control all of the buying and selling in the world. The False Prophet, who will aid him through supernatural signs and wonders will enforce his rule of law. This man is able to control all the buying and selling in the world, through a form of forced worship that embeds some form of technology onto the bearer’s forehead or hand (Revelation 13).

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