Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Era Of 'Show Me Your Papers' Has Begun

The Food Shortage P.2 The Coming Tribulation’s

People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the doorstep Tribulation…
“Many vehicles lined up several hours early to get in line for the distribution of 1,000 boxes of food, showing the magnitude of the crisis.” Video Shows Tragedy of Gov’t-Imposed Shutdowns: Penn. Food Bank Line Extends for Miles

A video posted on the campaign Facebook page of Phil Heasley shows a line of cars — including some older vehicles but also plenty of late-model minivans, sedans, etc. — waiting to receive food from the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank on Tuesday.
“The turn out for today’s drive-up food bank is incredible,” wrote Heasley, a Democratic candidate for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ District 8, which includes parts of Butler County.
“Waiting lines down both sides of 356 filter into Alameda. Be patient we’re moving very smoothly!”
“Thank you Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank for helping our community during this time!” the candidate added. Source:

Over the past month, the American economy has collapsed into a depression, with the most significant unemployment spike in history. Millions of people have just lost their jobs, and as we’ve been documenting, food bank networks across the country are becoming overwhelmed. 
We recently said that some food banks had seen an eightfold increase in the number of people asking for food. The National Guard has been deployed to food banks in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Phoenix, to make sure supply chains do not breakdown, which if food shortages did materialize, it could lead to a “social bomb,” triggering civil unrest. 
“I’ve been in this business over 30 years, and nothing compares to what we’re seeing now. Not even when the steel mills closed down did we see increased demand like this,” said Sheila Christopher, director of Hunger-Free Pennsylvania, which represents 18 food banks across 67 counties.
Today’s food bank lines resemble ‘breadlines’ from the 1930s. However, this time around, Americans are not standing around city blocks waiting for soup, they’re sitting in mile-long traffic jams outside donation centers waiting for a care package. 

Whatevs II@joesichspach · 11h.@GovWhitmer has banned us from growing our own food. This is insane.

The people are going to be thrown to the wolves no matter what. We aren’t part of the Continuity of Government (CoG) planning in the first place. The people are only needed for the next election, after all, which is why the helicopter money bailout checks are only going to last a few months… just long enough to convince you to vote for the same corrupt, criminal system that told you the market would never go down, real estate would never lose value and the dollar would always hold its value. (Excuse me while I gag myself with a spoon…)
Cash your bailout money checks, America. You’ll need it because the looting of the American worker has only just begun. By the time the Treasury and the Federal Reserve is done turning you upside down and shaking every last nickel out of your dusty pockets, you’ll wish for the “good ole’ days” when annual price inflation was only 6% instead of 600%. And you’ll spend every dollar you manage to get your hands on — see if you can catch more helicopter money as it’s being catapulted across the skies — because that dollar will lose value so quickly that tomorrow it won’t even be worth owning.
Do you feel saved now? Hunkered down in isolation, living as a government paycheck-dependent slave in your own sorry apartment or condo, do you feel free and empowered?
Or have you begun to notice that the criminals in charge have relegated you to “cattle” status, and you’re about to be forced vaccinated like a ranch animal, too, completely without your informed consent? You’re being herded through cattle chutes at your local Walmart, too, while loudspeakers remind you to maintain “social distancing” or face immediate arrest, where you’ll be thrown into a coronavirus quarantine death camp. What, this doesn’t feel like freedom to you?
If you see something, say something. Oh wait, that was eight years ago. Now it’s, “If a neighbor isn’t practicing sufficient social distancing, snitch on your neighbor and have them dragged away to a FEMA pandemic camp.”
I sense that the rest of America is getting pretty peeved right about now. Suddenly it’s starting to dawn on the average, clueless American that this doesn’t feel like making America great again. It feels more like the rolling out of a medical police state and a Venezuela-class economic collapse.
It feels like that ‘cuz that’s what it is, by the way. Your intuition was correct. This is an engineered collapse. You are going to lose every last dollar that you’re holding in dollars. Yes, the banks will be frozen and your assets will be looted. You will face possible starvation and a gunpoint-enforced vaccine mandate if they ever manage to whip up a vaccine that they can claim has been “thoroughly tested” without really being tested at all.
Prepare to be tracked, surveilled, poked, scanned, swabbed, injected, monitored, probed, reminded, corralled, controlled, indoctrinated, moderated and shaped against your will, for you are now nothing more than a ranch animal living on a tax farm, and the farmers in charge just decided to eliminate the herd. (It’s the Gates ranch, get it?)
I hope you have your “antibody passport” ready because the era of “show me your papers” is now upon us.

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