Friday, April 10, 2020

Mississippi: Police Raid Church, Issue $500 Fines To Entire Congregation

Mississippi: Police Raid Church Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets To Entire Congregation

Here is where the people are going to have to start dealing with the new Nazis in the united States.  Yes, I said Nazis because these criminal cops are acting outside the law, intimidating the people of God and trying to steal from them for simply doing something that is a constitutionally protected right they have and which these criminal cops are sworn to uphold.  In Greenville, Mississippi,  a church was merely having a drive-in service in their parking lot when the criminal police department raided them and fined everyone there to the tune of $500… after all, these are agents of the state, and they are essential while the rest of us are considered “non-essential,” right?  So, they gotta pay the bills somehow.

“One of the police officers said the mayor wanted to make an example of our church,” the pastor said. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night.”

“We’ve been doing it for three weeks,” he said.
But Mayor Errick Simmons and the city council that banned churches from hosting drive-in services.
The City of Greenville put in place an Executive Order that orders all church buildings closed for in person and drive in church services, until the State of Mississippi’s Shelter In Place Executive Order No. 1466 is lifted by Governor Tate Reeves.Churches are strongly encouraged to hold services via Facebook Live, Zoom, Free Conference Call, and any and all other social media, streaming, and telephonic platforms,” the order read.

Scott, who has pastored the small church for 45 years, said that most of the congregation is elderly and they don’t have access to smartphones.

So church leaders decided to rig up a radio frequency where congregants could sit in their cars and listen as the pastor delivered the message from the pulpit. In other words, the church was in compliance with social distancing rules.
“The police officer said I might go to jail,” the elderly pastor said on the radio show. “If it means going to jail and if it takes that for me to keep preaching, I’ll be glad to go to jail.”
The pastor said as many as 25 cars were in the parking lot for the service and everyone was ticketed.

These criminal cops knocked on every window of the car during the service demanding people turn over their driver’s licenses as though they were committing a crime.

“I just can’t believe it,” the pastor told me. “I tried to talk to the mayor. I’ve been here 45 years and I’ve never been to the city council. I’ve never complained. I’ve never stirred up a stink. But I told him I’m going to fight them on this.”
While Starnes finds it disturbing that is was occurring in the Bible Belt state of Mississippi, I don’t find it disturbing at all.
The people are going to have to stop this being nice to criminal cops.  We are going to be needing to be armed just as they are whenever we go out and we are also going to need to put our feet down collectively and say, “No, you’re not getting my license and I’m not submitting to your tyranny!”  The people are also going to need to deal with their criminal mayor and oust him from office and deal with him lawfully.
It’s time that people who name the name of God remember the lesson of the apostleswhen they were told they could not preach in the name of Jesus the Christ.
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. -Acts 5:29

The coronavirus pandemic has created a new class of criminals in America.
Among them are fathers playing T-ball with his young daughter, the hosts of a wedding and a woman out for a drive.
USA Today reported Pennsylvania state police cited 19-year-old Anita Lynn Shaffer for taking a drive. They allege she was in violation of a stay-at-home order for York County, which allows "outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or running" but only if it's "essential."
She was fined $200.
WND columnist Michelle Malkin wrote about the father in Brighton, Colorado, who was "handcuffed in an empty park by three police officers for playing T-ball with his 6-year-old daughter and wife."
She said the restrictions have become "arbitrary, irrational and unevenly applied."
"While children's swings and slides are now crime scenes, golf courses and pickleball courts in my city are wide open," she wrote. "Weed and booze stores are considered 'essential.' Ice cream, dessert joints and fast-food outlets with takeout and delivery services are still operating. But family-owned, sit-down restaurants that have been staples in our community have been forced to shut their doors after decades in business."
ABC News reported the father, a former Colorado State Patrol trooper, Matt Mooney, was cuffed and held in a patrol car for a time.
He said he walked with his wife and daughter from their home to a nearby park Sunday to play softball.
"We're just having a good time, not near anybody else. The next closest person is at least 15 feet away from me and my daughter at this point," he said.
Brighton police soon arrived to halt the activity.
The police department later apologized and said it was reviewing the incident.
MSN reported two New Jersey residents were arrested for allowing other people in their home for a wedding "in defiance of social distancing orders."
They were reported by their neighbors.

1 comment:

Sister Rebecca said...

ENOUGH! Are we a free and open society? This is too much! I call on all Christians across America to stand up to this tyranny!! Protect our right to assemble to worship to preach the Gospel and declare to any who listen the Lord is coming!