Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Fate Of The ME Peace Plan 'In The Hands Of Abbas' - But Only If He 'Comes To The Table'

The fate of the United State’s peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in the hands of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, US Ambassador to the United Nations told reporters in New York.

When quizzed by a reporter if the "deal of the century" was possible, Haley immediately responded: “Only if Abbas comes to the table.”

She added, “We have ensured that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu will come to the table. Abbas for the good of the people needs to come to the table.”

She spoke with reporters in New York on Tuesday, during an extensive press briefing in which she outlined her country’s program of work for September when it holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council.

Speculation has been high that the US could unveil its peace plan, which Trump has referred to as "the deal of the century," at the UN in New York. 

Haley said that the peace plan is getting close but won’t be unveiled during the 73rd opening session of the United Nations General Assembly later this month.

She added that she had read the very detailed proposal which was put together by US envoys Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt who have engaged with many world leader in the process of its preparation.

“It is thoroughly done. It is well thought out from both sides, the Palestinians and the Israelis. It takes into account every aspect of everything,” Haley said. 

It’s expected that neither the Israelis or the Palestinians will like the plan, but “both sides have to be willing to hear” the plan, she said. 

“If they are both willing to hear it, I think that this could be a solution for the region. It could be a solution for both Palestinians and Israelis. I think it would be a solution and a testament to what can happen when two sides come together in the name of helping their people,” Haley added.

“The Palestinian people should be frustrated with Abbas and the fact that he is not stepping up, he is not dealing with Hamas, he is not doing things to better the Palestinian people,” Haley said. 

US President Donald Trump told Jewish leaders Thursday that the US would not give aid to the Palestinians until they reach an agreement with Israel. He also said the Iranian regime had “lost their mojo” since he withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, and was now fighting for its survival. In quitting the deal, he said, he had done “a great thing for Israel.”
In a conference call with several dozen American Jewish leaders ahead of Rosh Hashanah, Trump noted that he had recently slashed immense amounts of US aid to the Palestinians — a reference to the administration’s recent cuts in overall aid to the Palestinian Authority and its complete defunding of the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA. The US would resume funding, he said, but only if the Palestinians reached a deal with Israel.
“What I will tell you is I stopped massive amounts of money that we were paying to the Palestinians and the Palestinian leaders,” Trump said to the Jewish leaders. “The United States was paying them tremendous amounts of money. And I say, ‘You’ll get money, but we’re not paying until you make a deal. If you don’t make a deal, we’re not paying.'”

“I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all” for US aid to be utilized as a bargaining chip, the president added. Rather, “I think it’s disrespectful when people don’t come to the table.”
Also in the call, the US president expressed confidence that an Israeli-Palestinian deal would be done.
Asked by Prof. Alan Dershowitz: “Should the Jewish community be optimistic that you can help bring about a peaceful resolution of the conflict that we all pray for all the time?,” the president replied: “The answer to that is a very strong yes — you should be. It is, as I said before, really considered to be one of the toughest deals to make of any kind. I don’t kind what kind of a deal you’re talking about. If you look at Israel and the Palestinians, it’s always top of everybody’s list in terms of levels of difficulty.”

1 comment:

Stephen said...

HERE WE ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




STEPHEN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>