Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Rushing the Rapture

Rushing the Rapture
Nathele Graham

We are living in the last days. The Apostle John wrote those words many centuries ago and it seems as if he was expecting Jesus to return at any moment. Brothers and sisters, we should have that same mindset. It’s obvious that the spirit of antichrist is strong, and that should tell us that the Rapture is nearing. What does John mean when he uses the term “antichrist”? The Greek word is “antichristos”, and according to Vines Expository Dictionary it can mean either “against Christ” or “instead of Christ”. We can see that spirit all around us. So many people choose to worship the god of this world, Satan, and allow his evil to rule. Instead of repenting of sin and letting Christ rule in one’s life, many choose to embrace the god of self, and worship the ways of the world.

I would like to rush the Rapture. This world is getting darker and more wicked every day. Prophecy is being fulfilled rapidly, and it’s hard to keep up with it all. The pieces are all falling into place quickly. As we watch the signs of the times, we can see that Israel is under tremendous attack, but they are beginning to get ready to rebuild the Temple, and the Anti-Christ will allow that to happen. He will occupy the Temple causing the Abomination of Desolation, described by Daniel and by Jesus, to happen. We can also see the stage being set for the Ezekiel war. AI will certainly play a huge part in the final days and I believe it is making the way for the Mark of the Beast. These are things that will take place after the Rapture. Brothers and sisters, the Rapture is our Blessed Hope. God has not appointed us to wrath, but Christ will take His bride to be with Him to protect us.

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