we live in the age of the war machine.
the purpose of the war machine is not to produce victory.
the purpose of the war machine is to produce war.
war unending.
war on everything.
permission to think the unthinkable and excuse to do that which is inexcusable.
it is the triumph of the terrible and the tyrannical.
increasingly, it is not even governments. more so than one might conclude from a casual look, they are also being picked apart and disempowered and disenfranchised by this trend of ubiquitous forever war and the institutions that rise and thrive within it. from SEC to FDA, EPA to DOE, and CDC to NIH, these agencies might as well have nascar corporate and think tank logos. the UN, IPCC, WHO, IMF, etc are worse.
they are owned, lock stock, and regulatory charter.
and they are taking over.
and that’s kind of the point.
this is the new world order, the 4th turning, whatever we want to call it. and you may have forgotten about it, but it has most emphatically NOT forgotten about you.
no sooner do global leaders get done congratulating themselves for their grand virtue (and hilariously failed plans) at the global climate sessions than the private jets fire up for bali to start writing new plans for global dominance, because hey, the emergency is still in place. the emergency powers grabbed for covid are still in force. and you never let a crisis go to waste.
and every one of these is the same: it seeks to place power in unaccountable hands.
Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, speaking on the matter on behalf of the G20 host country, had earlier in the summit called for a “digital health certificate” using WHO standards.
Sadikin advocated for that he dubbed a “digital health certificate” which shows whether a person has been “vaccinated or tested properly” so that only then “you can move around”. Watch his comments during a G20 Bali panel discussion earlier in the week…
G20 to adopt Vaccine Passports using WHO standards
“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO… if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around”, said the Indonesian health minister in Bali
it creates a vast international system of required compliance. it locks you in place by forcing a credential to travel upon you. the standards to get this passport are created by an unaccountable and increasingly rogue organization (the WHO) that is controlled predominantly by china (whose views on social credit and surveillance societies make orwell look like thomas paine) and the cardigan adorned james bond villain aspirant himself bill gates who has been probably the most successful plague profiteer in human history.
and billy is NOT a nice guy.
keep in mind that this is the guy who bought something like 1/3 of bioNtech in september 2019 right before they “suddenly” had the key mRNA payload that formed the basis of the pfizer vaccine despite having never worked on vaccines or even viruses before. just how they “happened upon” this wonderous discovery at such a fortuitous moment and how bill knew to front run it remains an open and interesting question.
consider the possibility that the game was never “protecting you” but rather “plundering you.”
it certainly fits the pattern.
long time gatopal™ ivor can help you hear william in his own words.
i know it sounds like i’m waxing hyperbolic about this “james bond villain” stuff, but seriously consider: the guy that sells and pushes vaccines will have control of an unaccountable international agency (the WHO) that can literally decide at the stroke of a pen what new drug you must put into your body to be allowed to travel.
these are the same people who proudly told you:
“we own the science and we think the world should know it.”
the goal here is not safety, it’s mandated predation and profiteering just as bill has always done. he wants to plunder africa with covid vaccines that the locals don’t want because they have seen that they don’t work and that the young populations of africa were at no real risk, but like the dodgy oral polio vaccines he’s been pushing there for decades (because he owns interests in the manufacturers) he now wants to require the covid jabs (and to get the g20 governments to pay for them)
they want to put the ball out of your reach and out of the reach of their successors. this is literal surrender of national sovereignty to the dictates of an unaccountable private entity.
and the “war on misinformation” will take no prisoners as it tries to prevent any counter narrative.
remember who these people are:
“Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth. Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.” -Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand PM, WEF global leader)
it’s war on freedom by a technocratic elite that is moving all power to regulatory bureaucracies and transnational organizations. the goal is to put it outside the reach of voters and even elected leaders.
presidents and prime ministers are beholden to this “permanent state” and are helpless to resist it. if they play ball, they get showered with goodies. if they buck, it turns on them. the FBI makes up crazy stories and investigates a sitting president over and over to tie him down. the health agencies go rogue. the EPA and SEC and DOE tie everything in knots and push self-serving agenda. the permanent government goes to war against the elected government. how little of covid was ever even voted on at the federal level?
it was an end run.
and that is the point.
this is what the cool kids table at davos figured out 20 years ago. it’s what they have been relentlessly building: totalitarian fascism by bureaucracy and forever war.
every new war needs a new agency and every new agency needs a new war.
it’s a system of preference and protégé.
and they are playing to win.
one of our own.

sunak is a davos devotee. he’s pro-digital ID, central bank digital currency, and pro social credit system. his is also, by many reports, the richest member of UK parliament. davos to the bone. the speed with which the immune system of the war machine killed a “foreign object” and replaced it with party line should give pause.
they are seeing a winner take all world in which regulation drives commerce and so industry titans must take over governments to assure their seats at the head of the table.
and they are not hiding it:
“What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world, and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process (Great Reset)” – Klaus Schwab B20 Summit Indonesia 2022 Opening Remarks 14.11.2022.
“Finally Governments and businesses must cooperate (stakeholder capitalism) to become a fast fish, its not about the big fish who eats the small fish, but it is the fast fish who eats the slow fish.”
this is the blueprint. it’s move first, move fast, and take it all.
it’s pure, unadulterated totalitarian fascism of big business and big government and the folks like klaus are leading the G20 to it. they are dominating the biggest governments in the world and setting the agenda by buying out the leadership with participation rights. billions mean little to nations. they are dynastic wealth for politicians.
and they plan to take all.
This is not about puppet show elections.
it’s about the government that never leaves and the increasingly unaccountable and self-interested private agencies and corporate collaborations that have come to dominate it.
it’s about the forever war.
because make no mistake: they are at war with you. not poverty, climate, covid, or terrorists.
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