Saturday, November 26, 2022

Persecution And Genocide In Nigeria

The Unspoken Genocide of Christians in Nigeria

Did you know that, all throughout sub-Saharan Africa—in Nigeria, Mozambique, the Central African Republic, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo—Muslims have for many years been terrorizing and slaughtering Christians?

Nor is there any hope on the horizon: problems that cannot be honestly addressed are doomed to persist in perpetuity.

Enter the so-called “mainstream media.” As far as they are concerned, the persecution of Christians in Africa is a byproduct of economic and territorial grievances.

One report, titled, “How poverty and corruption fuel terrorism across Africa,” is emblematic.  After citing  an incident where “jihadis” connected to the Islamic State slaughtered dozens, it insists that such terrorist attacks, which  “are on the rise across the African continent,” are “a consequence of poverty, domestic grievances new and old…”

This has been the mainstream media’s argument, and they’re sticking to it — no matter all the mountains of contradictory evidence.

Take the little-known genocide of Christians in Nigeria. According to an August 2021 report, since the Islamic insurgency began in earnest in July 2009, more than 60,000 Christians have either been murdered during raids or abducted, never to be seen again. During this same timeframe, approximately 20,000 churches and Christian schools were torched and destroyed by “Allahu Akbar” screaming Muslims.

According to the World Watch List’s latest reporting, 79 percent of all Christians killed for their faith were killed in Nigeria, for a total of 4,650.

Who, exactly, is behind this travesty?  Two groups, primarily.  First is Boko Haram, Nigeria’s premier terrorist organization, whose full name means “Sunnis for [Islamic] Propagation and Jihad.”  “Boko Haram,” their nickname, means “Western education is a sin” (not “we kill because we’re poor”).  Their stated goal is the establishment of a pure sharia state and the brutal subjugation or slaughter of Nigeria’s Christians.

The other group, which has in recent years terrorized and slaughtered even more Christians than Boko Haram is the Fulani—Muslim herdsmen who regularly raid the villages of and slaughter Christians.   They, too, are acting on jihadist teachings and hate for Christians.

Considering that, on average, 13 Christians are slaughtered every day for their faith in Nigeria, it is almost pointless to list any particular incidents.  Those interested in following this tragedy can consult my “Muslim Persecution of Christians” series, where I collate the main instances of persecution that surface every month around the world.  Needless to say, when it comes to the slaughter of Christians, Nigeria dominates.  Here are just some of those that occurred for the month of September 2022:


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