Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Iron And Clay Will Not Remain United: Italy vs EU

Italy’s New PM Giorgia Meloni – a Woman, Mother, Italian, and Christian

The Italian people have voted for a conservative prime minister, and the globalists are panicking. Giorgia Meloni has long been skeptical about Italy’s place in the EU, COVID laws, illegal immigration, and woke culture. Despite sixty-three percent voting in her favor, the liberal media is up in arms. CNN dubbed her “the most far-right government since the fascist era of Benito Mussolini.”

One would think that the left would celebrate Italy’s first female PM. “I am Giorgia. I’m a woman, I’m a mother, I’m Italian, I’m Christian,” she stated in 2019 during a campaign that came under harsh criticism. Only in today’s modern age could someone be condemned for stating such basic facts. Meloni is fighting to uphold traditional Italian values rather than submitting to the globalist agenda of abandoning ethics for the new world order.

“Our main enemy today is the globalist drift of those who view identity and all its forms to be an evil to overcome. And constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to supernational entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites,” the newly-appointed PM stated. Countless Italians are tired of being under the control of the EU and submitting to a lifestyle that goes against their culture.

A video surfaced days before Meloni’s victory of a mob removing the EU flag in Rome and replacing it with the Italian flag. There is something to be said about wanting to preserve your culture. Nigel Farage touched on the topic during our 2019 World Economic Conference in Rome, where he pointed out that Italy’s Catholic roots were being targeted as the globalists feel they have the authority to tell the people how to live. Italy’s conversion from the lira to the euro pushed the nation into deeper debt as Brussels took advantage of the southern nations. Its location has attracted masses of illegal immigrants who no one will house and has caused a clash of cultures.

This is part of a bigger trend of people straying from what the mainstream media wants them to believe. There is a reason why the only people who have congratulated her in the political world are considered far-right extremists. People want to preserve their culture and can only do so by casting out those submitting to the globalist agenda.

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