Friday, March 11, 2022

What If It Breaks?

What If It Breaks?

Making your entire economy a Landfill Economy dependent on the fantasy of infinite replacements and substitutions is the height of hubris and folly.

Very few people ask: what if it breaks? It's a question we can ask of a great many things: touchscreens, motherboards, tools, vehicles, supply chains and entire systems: what if it breaks?

The first thing we notice is the great number of things which can't be repaired, they can only be replaced. Good luck repairing the touchscreen or motherboard in your vehicle. Oops, the puncture in your tire is in the sidewall, no repair possible, buy a new tire.

The entire economic system assumes two things: 1) there will always be replacements for everything that can't be repaired and 2) there will always be substitutes for everything we want. Beef too expensive? Then buy fake-meat. If that's too expensive, substitute chicken. And so on: there will always be a substitute that can scale globally that will get cheaper as it scales.

Unfortunately, both assumptions are false.

There are no replacements for oil and fertilizers. What we have are ifs: if we build 1,000 nuclear reactors, then we can convert this electricity into hydrogen which will be the fuel of the future. And so on. If, if, if. Nice, but getting beyond if is non-trivial: oops, we need hydrocarbon energy to build the 1,000 nuclear reactors and all the complex equipment to convert seawater into hydrogen on a scale large enough to matter.

Not only are there no substitutes for many things, there are no replacement parts, either. Too bad about your entire Smart Home system going down. The vendor of the do-hickey that's connected to your hub went out of business and so there's no replacement parts or software upgrades. Looks like you'll have to replace the entire system. But since the software was out of date anyway, it was time to upgrade anyway.

The problem is we can't replace entire systems when they break down. Sewage treatment, delivery of food, manufacture of medical supplies and medications, delivery of feedstock for plastics manufacturing--the entire global economy is now a tightly bound system with few replacements for anything that matters and no substitutions for all the things that matter.



WVBORN56 said...

I just wanted to say thank you Scott for yor faithfullness all these years. You and your ministry are greatly appreciated. I routinely take one or two of your articles a week and post to facebook. I seldom get much feedback but I know people are reading. I alternate between the bad news and the good news of the gospel. Jesus told them, "when you begin to see these things take place, lok up, for your redemption is drawing near."

Even so come Lord Jesus. I'm fairly certain our wait is about over.

Blessing to all who gather here.

Romans 10:9 "if you confess with your mouth,Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead you will be saved." Amen!

Scott said...

Hey there and thanks WV - Nice to 'see' you :)
I agree we are in the last minutes - its hard to measure in months anymore as it looks like weeks or days at this point - see ya at the Tree of Life !

john said...

Ditto the above comment from this olé boy too Scott!
ThankY’Kindly for sharing and serving our soon coming King Jesus!

Scott said...

John, many thanks - Its much appreciated and yes sir - please come say hello when we arrive :)