Friday, March 11, 2022

UN Security Council To Hold Emergency Meeting Friday Morning (11:00 EST)

Breaking — UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting Friday…

The U.N. Security Council scheduled a meeting Friday at Russia’s request to discuss what Moscow claims are “the military biological activities of the U.S. on the territory of Ukraine,” allegations vehemently denied by the Biden administration.

“This is exactly the kind of false flag effort we have warned Russia might initiate to justify a biological or chemical weapons attack,” Olivia Dalton, spokesperson for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations said late Thursday. “We’re not going to let Russia gaslight the world or use the U.N. Security Council as a venue for promoting their disinformation.“


The Russian request, announced in a tweet Thursday afternoon from its first deputy U.N. ambassador, Dmitry Polyansky, follows the U.S. rejection of Russian accusations that Ukraine is running chemical and biological labs with U.S. support.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby on Wednesday called the Russian claim “a bunch of malarkey.”


Dmitry Chumakov, another Russian deputy U.N. ambassador, repeated the accusation Wednesday, urging Western media to cover “the news about secret biological laboratories in Ukraine.”


The U.N. announced Thursday evening that the meeting will take place at 10am EST but then pushed it back to 11am EST. U.N. disarmament chief Izumi Nakamitsu and U.N. political chief Rosemary DiCarlo are scheduled to brief the council

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric reiterated Thursday what he said Wednesday — that the World Health Organization, which has been working with the Ukrainian government, “said they are unaware of any activity on the part of the Ukrainian government which is inconsistent with its international treaty obligations, including on chemical weapons or biological weapons.”

Breaking: Russia Convenes UN Security Council Meeting to Present BioLab Evidence — Friday at 11 AM

 Larry Johnson 

Friday is going to be a very bad day for the United States. Sixty years ago (yes, I was alive then) the United States roasted the Soviet Union in a UN Security Council meeting convened over the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is an old saying, “revenge is a dish best served cold.” Russia is going to dump a load of frozen food on the United States tomorrow at 11 am by exposing U.S. support to Ukraine over the last 17 years for research into biological and chemical weapons.

U.S. intelligence analysts last week were alarmed when they obtained intelligence showing that Russian Chemical and Biological Weapons units were activated and moving into Ukraine. These analysts knew nothing of what the Department of Defense had been doing in Ukraine in terms of funding military bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine. Without that knowledge, they concluded that Russia was preparing to use chemical and/or biological weapons. Understandable, but wrong.

The Russian units were deployed to secure those bioweapons labs. And in the process of securing them they have recovered a treasure trove of documents showing the United States has violated the international accord governing Chemical and Biological Weapons.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, so, coming from Russia soundbites, the other evil player's imply
a discredited Russia is lying, right? Regardless of tainted reputations by all those Globalist's known, within the circle of evils doing stupid right now, it's in my opinion, USA likely had nefarious labs funded in Ukraine!! Russia probably knew this, and is going with it, IMO!

We were penetrated with some souped up Covid strain from CCP, sent here as reputed, and strongly reputed, with our funded finger-prints in the Labs there, right? So, it's not beyond imagination the same experiments went on in Ukraine, IMO!? Maybe Globalist's were planning another attack? Maybe Russia, not wanting to partake in Germ-Warfare Control tactic's again, wanted those lab playgrounds for evil, all destroyed?

All those self-destructive nut-jobs need take a back seat, be toppled, and leave mankind alone; It's insanity to allow them to reign and our world needs to have them stop playing with poisons, high-tech toys they can't even manage cause of their narcissistic temper-tantrums, IMO! We hear Climate Change garbage, oil production polluting our Earth, and yet same mouth-pieces are contaminating us with man-manipulated chemicals, viruses, diseases, nuclear sites, crisis after conjured up crisis? Save the soil, grow plenty, produce with safe-guards KNOWN abundant oil here in USA now, IMO! Then, everyone go back to their corners, suggested in my opinion! Military EVERYWHERE should put some powerfully evil corrupted known criminals in the nut-houses while at it! And the beat will go on.................more safely, and effectively, IMO! Someone better put food/gas prices down, we know it can be done in a nano second, and should be, in fact everyone should have plenty on an Earth filled with plenty, IMO!
Little piggy's need stop hoarding, mankind should not accept crumbs thrown when this land/water/resources/soil/oil, etc., is ours too, IMO!