Saturday, March 12, 2022

Russia: Ukraine Violated Agreements On Humanitarian Corridors

LIVE UPDATES: Ukraine Violated Agreements on Humanitarian Corridors, Russian Military Says
Sputnik International

The Russian Defence Ministry has repeatedly warned that Ukrainian forces and nationalist battalions have been preparing dangerous provocations in order to blame Moscow for them. The West has so far ignored Russia's concerns and warnings.

For over two weeks now, Russian forces have been targeting Ukrainian military infrastructure with precision weapons to achieve the special military operation's goal of demilitarising Ukraine. According to the Russian Defence Ministry, a total of 3,213 military objects have been disabled since the op was launched.
At the same time, the Donbass militia is continuing its counteroffensive against Kiev's forces, liberating the city of Volnovakha, and tightening its encirclement of the city of Mariupol. 
Russian President Vladimir Putin green-lighted a special military operation in Ukraine on 24 February after the Donbass republics appealed for help in defending themselves against continued attacks by Kiev. Demilitarisation and "denazification" are among the key goals of the op. Ukrainian forces have been waging an eigh-year military campaign in the Donbass region, which declared independence following a coup in 2014, that resulted in over 13,000 deaths.

Serbia Under Pressure After Opting to Keep Air Links With Russia – Vucic
Serbia has been pressured about its decision to double flights between Belgrade and Moscow after the European Union closed its airspace to Russian planes, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday.

"They are telling us that we are making money on the blood of Ukrainians and so on and we’ve been flying two planes instead of one," Vucic told TV Pink.

He pointed to Turkey, which he said had been flying 30 times more flights to Moscow than Serbia, and to Persian Gulf countries that had 15 times as many Moscow flights as the small Balkan nation.
Vucic also remarked during the Saturday interview that he would accept the price of $400 per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian natural gas after the delivery contract expires in June.

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