Monday, March 14, 2022

Russia Expects Ukraine Provocation With Use Of Chemical Weapons

Russia Expects Ukraine Provocation With Use of Chemical Weapons - Says Envoy to UN

Russia Expects Ukraine Provocation With Use of Chemical Weapons - Says Envoy to UN

Russia expects provocations with chemical substances in Ukraine and has information on 80 tonnes of ammonia brought to a town northwest of Kharkov overnight, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said on Monday.

"According to the information of the Ministry of Defence of Russia, Ukrainian armed formations are actively preparing for provocations with the use of chemical substances in order to accuse Russia of reportedly using chemical weapons," Nebenzia said. "On the night of March 9, Ukrainian nationalists transported to Zolochiv to the northwest of Kharkov about 80 tons of ammonia. On the March 10, the Ukrainian media started to disseminate information about how to protect yourself from a chemical attack."
Russian Defense Ministry Says Arms Depot Destroyed at Antonov Plant in Ukraine
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian military has destroyed an ammunition depot for the multiple launch rocket system at the Antonov plant, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Monday.
"On the territory of the Antonov plant near Kiev, a large warehouse of ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems was destroyed, from where Russian military units have been targeted," Konashenkov told a briefing.
According to the spokesman, 145 Ukrainian drones, 1298 tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as 124 multiple launch rocket systems have been destroyed since the start of Russia’s operation.
Russian Military Takes Out 145 Ukrainian Drones, 1,298 Tanks and Other Armored Vehicles, 124 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems - MoD
US Tells Allies China Signalled Willingness to Provide Military Aid to Russia, Report Says
The United States told its allies that China has indicted it is ready to provide military aid to Russia, the Financial Times reported.

The report said, citing officials familiar with US diplomatic cables regarding the exchange, noted that the cables did not mention whether China had already started providing assistance or plans to do it in the future.


Mrs.C said...

OT- and here ya go...

"Israeli government websites crash after ‘massive’ cyberattack, officials say"

"Cyberattack against Israeli sites follows reports of failed Mossad op against Iran"

Scott said...

Hey there and thanks, I'll get some links for that - very interesting indeed

Mrs.C said...

Your very welcome. :) Yes, interesting indeed. Its an evil free for all in the world right now, but we know it will get far worse. satan knows his time is short, but we know how the story ends :) Our Hope is not in this world, but in Jesus :)

john said...

“The Bible gives uncannily accurate descriptions of both regional and global nuclear war. As a student of Bible prophecy, I know these things are coming. But in the meantime, we should heed the words of our Lord when He said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Remember Romans 12:18: “So far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” That does not mean “peace at all costs,” but it should give us an impetus to find ways to make peace where we reasonably can.
 1 Timothy 2:2 instructs us to pray “for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.” So, consider this a prayer request—an urgent and vital prayer request.”
—Hal Lindsey

Scott said...

Indeed - the blessed hope - and things are moving fast - three british troops allegedly killed near polish border and NATO with the huge war games nearby - lots happening!