Thursday, March 10, 2022

Is Russia-Ukraine Conflict A Trojan Horse For Financial Reset?

Is The Russia Invasion of Ukraine a Trojan Horse for The Financial Reset?

Putin, it would seem, has decided to invade Ukraine as an attempt to prevent the expansion of NATO into the Russian borders. This has been an increasing threat to Russian security according to the Russian President since a Ukrainian government was formed in the aftermath of a 2014 Obama-backed coup. 

When Russia invaded Ukraine’s Crimea region, Western nations responded with sanctions aimed at making it more difficult for Russia to transact in the U.S.-dominated global financial system, therefore Putin would have been aware that the response to the invasion of Ukraine, would be predictably the same economic sanctions. 

Could this be a Strategic plan from Putin who would have known the exact outcome of his actions?

We are now coming to the close of a financial era that commenced in August 1971, which is that of the “Fiat money,” according to former Bertrand BadrĂ© chief financial officer (CFO) of the World Bank. 

This is a banking crisis, every fiat currency has returned to zero, says financial investor Melissa Ciummei, “the pound and the dollar have already lost over 99% of their value and they are just trying to eradicate the other 1%” according to Ciummei, who says that “the end game is totalitarian control along with a financial reset and a digital currency, which is why there is the need for a digital id and passports.

Melissa Ciummei spells out what that will mean for the people in the video below.

How would this all link with Putin and Rusia?  

Well, the United States and its allies on Saturday 26th February 2022 moved to block certain Russian banks’ access to the SWIFT international payment system as punishment of Moscow due to the Russian situation in Ukraine.

The measures included restrictions on the Russian central bank’s international reserves, “We will hold Russia to account and collectively ensure that this war is a strategic failure for Putin,” the leaders of the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, and the United States wrote.

“We commit to ensuring that a certain number of Russian banks are removed from SWIFT,” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, the European Union’s executive, said in a statement to the media.

“This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally.”She said that cutting Russian banks off the system will stop them from conducting most of their financial transactions worldwide and effectively block Russian exports and imports.

This of course was predictable to Putin and Russia, and The Central Bank of Russia was indeed central to Putin’s strategy in the years leading up to the invasion.

November 16, 2019, Vladimir Putin said, “The Dollar enjoyed great trust around the world. But, for some reason, it is now being used as a political weapon to impose restrictions. They’ll collapse soon. Many countries are now turning away from the Dollar as a Reserve Currency.”

They have been trying to ‘bulletproof’ their economy from sanctions since 2014,” says Elina Ribakova, deputy chief economist at the Institute of International Finance in Washington (source). and China and Russia have been active within the de-dollarisation since 2014.


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