Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Global Crop Collapse With Widespread Famine?

Global crop collapse now a certainty… widespread famine to plague planet Earth from 2022 – 2024… it is set in motion and cannot be stopped

 A convergence of horrifying events have set into a motion an irreversible collapse of food production and crop harvests that will lead to global famine all the way through 2024. These events cannot be stopped for the simple reason that plants take time to grow. You can’t create crops instantly, and if they don’t get planted (or they get destroyed), there’s no instant replacement.

The reasons for the coming global famine include:

  • Floods and droughts causing sharp drops in crop production in China, Russia and the USA, among other nations.
  • Economic sanctions against Russia causing a halting of exports for food and fertilizer.
  • War in Ukraine, leading to a halting of the 2022 planting season for wheat, corn, soy and other crops.
  • War in the Black Sea, blocking ship movements in the ports (such as Odessa) which normally export crops.
  • The Biden admin’s shutting down of fossil duel production in the USA, adding significant costs to fertilizers and agricultural operations.
  • Global fiat currency money printing, making food inflation reach atrocious levels.

Importantly, all this coalesces into two primary problems that will now accelerate across the world:

  1. Food SCARCITY

Scarcity, of course, means there’s no remaining supply no matter what the cost. Inflation means the food that is available will be significantly higher in price. Both of them cause people to panic, ultimately leading to widespread civil unrest (see below).

Farmers are right now reporting a roughly 300% increase in their cost to produce crops such as wheat. This is due to three primary inputs:

  1. The cost of fertilizer and seed.
  2. The cost of fuel to power agricultural equipment.
  3. The availability of tractors and other equipment (and their parts) in order to carry out mechanized agricultural operations.

Importantly, all three of these inputs are heavily strained due to the conditions mentioned above.

In addition to these factors, fuel costs significantly elevate transportation expenses to transport grains to grain storage and milling providers. Thus, rising fuel costs hit farmers twice: First for the cost of running their equipment, and secondly in the transportation costs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the love of God, if the masses know one person, Biden, is the block to producing simple food in America, (focusing here for moment), all food, gas, prices affected, etc., then topple this man & cronies so mankind here has plenty, right?

Mid-terms important, changing the head-figures without a stolen Election is another issue of concern, and pray divine intervention with doing what has to be done to undo
stupidity, in my opinion! Why would mankind not remove any obstacle's to enjoying the fruits of labor we all welcome, and not sit around whining about what is coming because of pure evil wanting what the majority of American Citizen's do not what???

Meanwhile using survival skills come in handy, and hang on tight because everyone spreads gloom & doom while few offer counter-measures, yet IMO, they exist if mankind wants to be in control of themselves; Who says we have to abide by regulations that are crimes against humanity? American's need to not play victims, but rise to meet the occasion presented, IMO!