Monday, March 14, 2022

EU Council: NATO Entering Conflict In Ukraine Would Mean WWIII

NATO entering conflict in Ukraine would mean WWIII – European Council head

The EU “is not at war with Russia,” European Council President Charles Michel told El Pais in an interview published on Monday. Western nations should not get involved in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, he said, arguing that a confrontation between Russia and NATO would mean nothing short of nuclear world war.

“Russia is a nuclear power and we are well aware that if this conflict turns into [a conflict] between NATO and Russia, we will roll down into the Third World War,”the former Belgian prime minister told El Pais on Saturday, following Friday’s EU summit in Versailles, France.

Michel advocated for dialogue, warning that “all conflicts are dramatic, extreme and often difficult,” but Russia’s nuclear capabilities add a whole new “dimension of a different nature” to any potential military standoff with Moscow.

“I advocate pragmatism,” he said, adding that Europe should focus on pressing issues at hand like humanitarian access to areas affected by the military action, the status of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, and peace negotiations between Moscow and Kiev. “We need to talk to whoever is in the Kremlin today,” because “democracies”should talk to nations even if they are deemed “not democratic,” Michel said.

The EC president also said he has “regularly” spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin personally, and “the history of our relationship” helps both leaders understand each other’s points of view, even if they do “not share them.” Michel believes, however, that it is not words, but a “change in the balance of power” that can contribute to progress in future negotiations. He added that Europe should not abandon the role of mediator in the conflict and “outsource” the role to an outside power, be it the US or China.


1 comment:

john said...

“The Bible gives uncannily accurate descriptions of both regional and global nuclear war. As a student of Bible prophecy, I know these things are coming. But in the meantime, we should heed the words of our Lord when He said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Remember Romans 12:18: “So far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” That does not mean “peace at all costs,” but it should give us an impetus to find ways to make peace where we reasonably can.
 1 Timothy 2:2 instructs us to pray “for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.” So, consider this a prayer request—an urgent and vital prayer request.”
—Hal Lindsey