Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Crisis Actors On Video?

Crisis Actors Pretending to be dead Ukrainians 

As you can see from the short video, anti-Russian psyops is in full operation: video/fVxGiHParDAC/   It tells us nothing about Russia, but much about ourselves. Western presstitutes have no morality, no integrity, and will lie for money even when the lies lead to nuclear war.

Ukraine coverage is a constant stream of lies: “Putin Attacks Population Centers.”  “Putin murders more innocent civilians.” “Innocent children killed.”  “Putin fires missiles into population centers.” “Putin is Wreaking Carnage in Ukraine and No One Can Stop Him.”  Interview after interview of Ukrainian women (allegedly) explaining the Russian atrocities.  Constant disinformation from White House, Pentagon, State Department “briefings.”  You would think by now that there is not a person left alive in Ukraine.

The purpose of war propaganda is to demonize the enemy.  War propaganda is always a lie.  But we are not at war.  Why is the US making war progaganda against Russia when we are not at war?  Why harden the attitudes of the populations of two nuclear powers against each other, thus making nuclear war in the future more likely?  This is criminal irresponsibility.  Yet, the dumbshit talking heads sit there on screen all day creating hatred.  Who are they serving? The United States, indeed, the entire Western word, now consists of societies that lie for their living.  Thus, “the empire of lies.”

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