Monday, April 19, 2021

The Time Is Close:

The Son of Man Cometh

Rob Pue

Some things in this world can simply be chalked up to coincidence. Others, not so much. For those who have studied God’s Word and have eyes to see, it’s obvious that the words of prophecy in Scripture are coming to pass now, before our very eyes.

Let’s look at just a few things that have been happening on Planet Earth in just the past month. These are things you most likely are not aware of, because the mainstream media doesn’t generally report on them, and if they do, they report on them only in passing, or worse yet, in jest.  Yet, the things now coming upon the Earth are nothing to joke about.

Yes, the spiritual battle rages on.
The children of God versus the children of wrath...

Those of us who now follow Christ were once dead in our trespasses and sins, like the rest of the world. We followed the “prince of the power of the air,” (Satan).  That’s the power the unsaved world follows today, still living in the passions of the flesh.

Still carrying out the desires of the body and mind. Still children of wrath. They cannot understand what’s happening in our world because they’re without the power of the Holy Spirit of God within them, and so they’re without the ability to discern those things that are spiritually discerned. They’re lost, confused, and soon their hearts will fail them for fear, when they see all that is coming upon the earth.

In Luke 21 and Matthew 24, Jesus warned us all not to be deceived, because many would come in His name. Many false prophets rising to deceive many. There are a lot of false prophets in our world today. Many claiming to be more intelligent than God, our Creator. They claim to follow “science,” yet their science will disappoint them when all their human wisdom is proven to be nonsense. Speaking of false prophets, are you aware that the pope held an interfaith meeting in the city of Ur in Northern Iraq — the birthplace of Abraham — last month? His purpose was to stress the commonalities between all world religions and call for global cooperation.

We’ve seen the wars and rumors of wars, we’ve seen nation rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. We’ve seen the horrific famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places.  Jesus said these are but the beginning of sorrows.  We were also warned by Jesus that Christ-followers would be delivered up to be persecuted and killed.  Jesus said that we would be hated of all nations for His name’s sake.  How true that is today.

So in case you missed it, here are some news stories from around the world, that have taken place just in the past month. There’s been an enormous increase in strange lights being seen in the sky all over the world. These lights appear to be some sort of spacecraft — moving at speeds that exceed the speed of sound, but they make no sound at all. No sonic booms. Sightings of “UFOs” have become so concerning that the Pentagon has been ordered to research this and release a report on these phenomenon by June of this year.

There have also been an increase in loud “booming” sounds coming from deep underground; again, all over the world. In the US, they’ve been encountered in every state — from Maine to California — over the past month, and there is no explanation. When these loud booms take place, there is never any indication of an earthquake, yet they’re so strong they shake houses. A man in Michigan reported last month that this happened again — the second time in six months, and authorities have offered no explanation.

Then there were the deadly tornadoes that ravaged the southern US.  In Alabama, one tornado, with winds of 150 miles per hour, traveled on the ground for 150 miles, destroying everything in it’s path for three hours straight last month.   And that was just one of 17 tornadoes that struck the southern US in March.

Meanwhile, we’ve been seeing signs in the skies overhead.  Two fireballs, believed to be meteors were seen March 21st in New York, Vermont and Pennsylvania.  The same day fireballs in the sky frightened people across England.  Others were seen in March in other countries around the world.

Los Angeles reported it’s third earthquake in ten days on April 10th.  The average number of earthquakes there is five in a year.  Here we have three within ten days.  There has also been extreme flooding in Maui.  Residents there said they’ve never seen anything like it.  And on April 9th, western Australia received more rain in 24 hours than they get during the heaviest rains in a month’s time.  The massive flooding that has resulted there has been called “of biblical proportions.”

Add to that the things even our best scientists cannot explain:  the loud booms heard worldwide, coming from far beneath the earth.   The strange lights in the sky that defy science, and for which our Pentagon is preparing a report on “UFOs.”  Incidentally, I would not be surprised if the enemy of our souls uses the idea of “extraterrestrials” and “UFOs” to deceive even more people around the world.  I can also see how a discovery of “life” from other galaxies could well be used to help usher in the New World Order and the Planetary One-World Government that is now being prepared to enslave the peoples of the earth.

Today, we have the kings and rulers of the earth taking counsel together against the Lord and His anointed. We see the heathen raging and the people imagining vain things.  We, as a people, seem no longer capable of telling the truth; so much of what we hear and believe today are lies. As for “sound judgment” in our courts, I think we can all agree that our so-called “justice” system is anything but just. People plot against one another and those so many of us trust “swear falsely,” doing the bidding of Satan and his demons and deceiving the whole world… even, if possible, the very elect of God.

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