Sunday, April 25, 2021

Letter From Great Britain: Just The Facts Please

Just The Facts: Letter from Great Britain – 04-24-21

Like the peasants of yesteryear with their garlic necklaces, people now devotedly wear masks that, no matter what the public health authorities and their media lackeys say and repeat, have no clear cut, scientifically proven efficacy against the transmission of the virus.  And they cannot wait to take an experimental and non-fully licensed vaccine for a disease that has a survival rate of more than 99.8%.

And they accept as unquestionably legitimate methods for the containment of the virus freedom-robbing lockdowns that, when studied rigorously in comparative framework, show no clear sign of having positively affected infection curves or death rates in the places where they have been employed

In effect, consumerism has done what none of the reactionary movements of the past or the many self-inflicted wounds of the Enlightenment were able to do: empty the modern being of his desire to manage life along rational lines and in the expectation of ever greater freedoms.

After sixty years of being bombarded by images designed to make us constantly doubt the often miraculous self-sufficiency of our bodies and our individual powers of discernment, we have surrendered to the law of “experts” paid by, and loyal to, big business.

 Note that it is estimated that only 1% of adverse reactions are actually reported because it is voluntary.  Please read the statistics and do your own math:

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