Saturday, April 3, 2021

Next Up: 'International Pandemic Treaty' As Globalist Play

Expect A Far More Deadly Bioweapon To Be Unleashed Upon America If Not Enough People Take The 'Covid Kill Shot' As More Sinister Moves Are Made Towards World Government

While China, the World Health Organization and the mainstream media will continue to call the 'Covid-19 is a Chinese bioweapon theory' a 'conspiracy theory', we've gotten numerous new signs over the past several days alone that it IS being 'used' as a 'weapon', to take down national governments and help usher in the globalists 'new world order one world government', with the WHO now pushing an 'International Pandemic Treaty', which is nothing less than that next stepping stone towards world government and tyranny.

As Makia Freeman over at The Freedom Articles reports in this new story, back on March 30th, the WHO released a letter, signed by its director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus plus 23 other world leaders, calling for the world to unite behind a new international pandemic treaty.

With that letter purposefully using 'vague general principles' and 'noble-sounding values' in an attempt to entice humanity to support its quest for globalism and more centralization of power, as we've warned numerous times recently in stories on ANP, if we keep going down the same road that Joe Biden and Democrats now have us on, we may not even recognized America within another year.

As former Clinton advisor and leftist activist Naomi Wolf recently warned the 'awakened world', what the left is now pushing called 'vaccine passports' could easily transform America into a 'two-tier society', where 'the vaxxed' have more rights than those who refuse to trust government and have an unknown substance injected into our bodies. From The Freedom Articles story.: 

Those skeptical of authorities asking for more collaboration as a ruse to grab more power should note that the current EU structure came about first via treaties. So let’s take a closer look at the words used to push this new international pandemic treaty. 

When the NWO (New World Order) wants to push their agenda forward, they roll out their devoted system-servers, bootlickers and gofers to get the public on board. In this case, the NWO controllers have used the 3 most powerful Western European leaders (UK prime minister Boris Johnson, German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Emmanuel Macron), 20 other world leaders plus WHO boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (24 signatories in all), to push the idea of an international pandemic treaty. 

This NWO move is very predictable since it follows their time-tested formula of creating a crisis then exploiting that crisis to consolidate power, as they always do with false flag operations

We have republished that letter in full for you to read in the next section of our story below. 

As The Freedom Articles story had pointed out, when trying to get a better look at what the globalists have planned, it's crucial to look at the language, themes and modes of persuasion employed in this letter. From that story first.

Notice how the writers frame the COVID plandemic as similar to a war. That was always the idea: to orchestrate a disruption with the impact of a world war without having to actually conduct a hot war.

Wars have always served the NWO, not only as a tremendous source of hate, murder and mayhem, not only for depopulation, but also as a massive force of chaos that allows for restructuring in the aftermath

That letter in its entirety for you to dive into and dissect. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feeling is mutual, because those that take phony shots, believe the lies, don't trust God but trust lying Government talking out both sides of it's mouth; Can't do Voter ID's, but hey, take experimental poison due to CCP's manipulated germ warfare Flu on steroids, die if must, and let us suck your joy while controlling you as you live in Fear, are now mentally unstable, etc..., right, well many American's can't say nor have, ANY respect for those that are this brain dead, brain-fed, brain-washed, and in reality quite Godless, in my opinion! Some are friends, family members, rest are people that act like programmed broken down robots, and thus far, no problems, people know my free thinking, nothing new, but they all act...scared, worn out, drained, insecure but try acting like so smart, in my opinion, so very sad state of affairs! No worries, PLENTY of awesome like-minds, which makes me believe more are ready to tackle this evil agenda than not; fake MSM lies to make us believe it's millions that will follow liars, just like hardly anyone voted Biden in my opinion, your made to believe the lie, unless your really logical in thinking, and Most Americans are, IMO! (:

Pray for: Red Rover, Red Rover sent more strong-willed, able bodies, right over; meaning, most want to be on the side that knows the Lord, knows evil won't win, knows liar's, knows the truths, knows doing right can be a natural high versus doing what everyone is now programmed to do by propaganda MSM lies, so choose wisely little grasshoppers! Let the good time fly! Feeling like some sayings have more meaning than one ever knew, so song words are applicable to this ridiculous world right now, in my opinion! (: