Monday, April 5, 2021

JD Farag Prophecy Update: 4-4-20: Coming To A Head

Prophecy Update: Coming to a Head (Video)

JD Farag


Caver said...

Oh man, this has a familiar ring, and is not good. If you haven't listened to this, you need to. Its coming unless Jesus comes first.

anonymous 2013 said...

Excellent video, we watch JD a lot. Yes, I too believe the signs of the times, are all around us. Time is I encourage all, if you have not got saved, The ABC'S are here, please don't hesitate anymore, do it today before too late. Things are going at warp speed now, building up to the moment he raptures us out, the one world everything, one world Government. Covid-19, vaccines untrustworthy, masking, social distancing etc. Is not about a virus at all, it's to keep us locked down, for a reason. JD is right, it's here.
Thank you Scott for all you do here, we have followed you for years now. God bless you and your family. God bless to ALL! hang in there, may be going to get crazier....a lot crazier! Keep looking up...

Scott said...

Thanks so much :) - and I couldn't agree more:)