Saturday, October 17, 2020

Public Madness And 'Science'

Science for Madmen

But when science is being used by policy makers to do stupid and destructive things, like locking down the economy, being antiscience is the intelligent choice.  What’s more, the World Health Organization now says it’s opposed to lockdowns, and told world leaders: “stop using lockdowns as your primary control method.”

We have a hunch that the science of lockdowns has little to do with stemming the spread of coronavirus.  We’ll have more on this in a moment.  But first, we must make an important distinction.  And to do so, we must take a brief diversion…

Private and public life are as different as chalk and cheese.  They are both disposed to acts of madmen.  Sometimes these madmen apply science.  But in private life science is used with honest intentions; at the very least, with the aim of making a buck.  In public life, applications of science are far more sinister.

 ...public madness, guided by science, now rules the land.  Public policy, no matter how destructive, is forced upon the populous, so long as a scientific expert says so.

If you recall, when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by Woody Wilson two days before Christmas in 1913, it was said to provide scientific management of the economy.  In truth, it instituted the age old practice of money debasement, and intervention into private life, as a matter of public policy.

Klaus Schwab, a madman, and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a man of science based public policy.  Nearly a decade ago, at the annual WEF gathering in Davos, Switzerland, Schwab, bore the sins of all capitalists.  At the time, we documented the Saturday night barn stomp turn Sunday morning salvation call with the article, Davos Hootenanny and Salvation Call.

Schwab, having gained full salvation, has continued to use science to promote ever greater – globalist – control over people’s lives.  The coronavirus has provided a convenient cover to further his agenda.  Schwab calls it The Great Reset:

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” 

Schwab’s vision for what he calls ‘The Post Pandemic Era,’ is a world where global planners cooperate between nations to provide greater societal equality and sustainable – nature-positive – development.  Somehow dissolving existing political institutions that were developed over hundreds of years of practice in favor of global governance is supposed to reset the world for the better.  So long as Schwab reimagines it correctly.

In his new book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab and his co-author admit that COVID-19 is “one of the least deadly pandemics in the last 2000 years.”

This brings us to the crux of the matter.  Lockdowns have little to do with stemming the spread of coronavirus.  They are about greater government control by madmen.  The purported science behind the lockdowns is science for madmen.

Don’t trust it.  Don’t trust the politicians.  They destroyed the economy to rule your life.  Alas, they’ve only just begun.


MN Gordon
for Economic Prism

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