Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Terry James: The Coming Mark

On the Mark, Get Set…

There is growing angst, it seems, about the COVID-19 vaccine and whether we should take it once it’s available. This isn’t to advise on whether to take it or not. That’s up to each individual. But I will say that so far as worrying about it being the equivalent of taking the mark of the Beast—as prophesied in Revelation 13:16–18—there is no need to worry. Taking the vaccine won’t mean you’ve taken he Antichrist’s dreaded mark of “666.”

Maybe it’s unnecessary for me to say why there’s no need to worry in this regard. But some might not know. Most who read these commentaries are savvy about the fact that the Antichrist marks-and-numbering system for buying and selling won’t be foisted upon the Beast’s victims as long as all born-again believers are still on the planet. The Rapture must occur before that “man of sin” can make his appearance, according to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

Whether the would-be world controllers—like, in my opinion, Bill Gates—wants to slip some sort of a tracking chip into the vaccine that’s eventually produced, I have no conjecture to make. I will say that I doubt very much that these wannabees will be able to do so at this time. Will I take the vaccine? I really can’t say at this point.

So, as I say, this commentary isn’t about whether to take a vaccine. It is, however, to look at that coming Antichrist mark to some extent, in consideration of technologies being developed during these strange days.

Certainly, like all other things we see developing that smack of end-times prophecy about to be fulfilled, the marks-and-numbering system is in the stage-setting mode.

In geopolitics, we see developing enragement that is bursting at the seams to bring in a global order. In religion, we are seeing a coming together of religious thought and a merging with that geopolitics. This movement seems to be more and more influenced by and even led by the Vatican and this apostate pope. In culture and society, the world, and especially our own nation, has reached the point of rebellious rage. God has been all but eliminated from our educational system and even churches have closed their doors en masse to submit to governmental edicts spawned from the coronavirus threat.

It’s no wonder, then, that in science, technologies are developing that presage the coming Antichrist regime.

Satellite tracking systems have existed for some time. GPS and other technologies are an everyday reality. Transponders of varying sorts can be chipped into people, pets, and possessions. And the technology that will one day allow the Beast regime of Antichrist to cause all to receive a mark on their hand or forehead is progressing rapidly. So get set: That feared mark instrumentality is just around the corner.

The following news excerpt might shed some light on how near might be the actual technology for implementing the Revelation 13 prophecy about the 666 mark.

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