Thursday, May 7, 2020

Suspicion And Skepticism

Suspicion and Skepticism
By Doug “Uncola” Lynn 

I once read a definition of psychological depression as a result of anger and fatigue. That seems about right. Personally, I’m sick of COVID-19 dominating the headlines and I definitely have inner rage at the magic spell that’s been cast over society. 
Truly, the overwhelming information is difficult to process on any given day.

Indeed, lots of variables to consider.  And it’s tricky because health policies are a matter of public concern AND private responsibility.  It’s why considering the variables requires balance and common sense.  Yet, unsurprisingly, it’s become obvious COVID-19 has been politicized by some and even commandeered by others for purposes of power consolidation and achieving authoritarian goals.

Certainly, the virus doesn’t need to be devastatingly lethal in order to accomplish the objectives of the globalists. At any given time, the ship of state progresses via (what I have designated as) the “Bulbous Bow of Confusion”, or, rather, competing narratives.
Two physicians who own five urgent care locations in Kern County California recently posted a viral YouTube video citing their own COVID-19 data and calling for an end to the draconian lockdowns.  Their names are Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi and the data they compiled acted as a “resistance wave” to countermand the official narrative put forth by (as I’ve identified in past articles) the likes of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), The Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University, and UK’s The Guardian.

Yet, today, if you click on any previous articles where the doctors’ viral videos were once posted you will see they’ve been taken down; and even their other videos queued in the threads of the articles have been transitioned into dead links by our benefactors at YouTube.

Scary, huh?
Especially, when considering how another Gates Foundation subsidiary, the World Health Organization (WHO), has warned the worst of the virus is still aheadand that “people will need to get used to a new way of living”.
To be sure, the billionaires are committed. They can’t go back now and this is why they are on full offense in the narrative war. It means no expense will be spared in the media onslaught until every person in the world fears COVID-19 being spread from cats and farts. It’s also why various treatments are claimed to be ineffective and only the five innovations proposed by the New American Kingshould be considered:

 [Bill Gates] said the innovations needed to come in five areas: treatments, vaccines, testing, contact tracing, and policies for reopening the economy.
Bill Gates:  His digital fingerprints are all over the COVID-19 virus because, in the years prior, Gates worked to strategically monopolize global health including researchgovernance, and reporting.   In addition, his dirty hands have reached into online data, U.S. intelligence, mainstream media, the GAVI Vaccine Alliance, and Microsoft’s ID2020 digital IDinitiative.  Plus, the Gates Foundation has donated the most private money to the World Health Organization (WHO), subsidized the October 2019 “Event 201” pandemic exercise, and even sponsored an event that was labeled communist propaganda – the globally televised “Together at Home” elitist infomercial;

Since the United States recently suspended its payments to the WHO, the organization’s biggest contributor is now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another major contributor to the WHO is the GAVI Alliance (formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation). Both of these organizations are also part of ID2020, an organization that is advocating for the use of vaccines to implement a global digital ID system using tattoos or microchips.

And just as the company Gates founded (Microsoft) recently released, and then recalled, a “luciferian” advertisement  starring “spirit-cooking” priestess Marina Abramović…, the Gates’ World Health Organization (WHO) mandates have allowed “heroes” to arrest mothers on playgrounds in front of their children.
Honestly, it really does add an entirely fresh perspective on the words of Isaiah 5:20:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Now, paradoxically, a new bioluminescent vaccine is making headlines.  If you can believe this… it’s called… “Luciferase” and it can store vaccination history through a new dye made available with MIT research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Wow, that was fast, huh?
Or was it planned? And for those who would say it was planned, would you call them “conspiracy theorists”?  But, seriously, is it really conspiracy if it’s all been published?
Because, over the decades, it has become quite evident that wealthy individuals, influential families, and powerful organizations and corporations have coopted nation-states in order to unite the globe.  World War I delivered the League of Nations and World War II brought about the United Nations.  Since then, the billionaire round-table groups have only grown more interconnected as Davos Men planned and the Bilderberg’s conspired.

Both President Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, are tying Coronavirus to the “government laboratory in Wuhan”  and now the Chinese are warning of possible armed conflict with the U.S. over the COVID-19 backlash­.
Most recently, in an Oval Office Press conference on May 6, 2020, Trump actually blamed China for Coronavirus while claiming it is the “worst attack we’ve ever had”:

It means events could potentially occur as follows:  As soon as rock-solid proof is revealed that China released the virus to take out Trump because our great president was winning the trade wars, then, the Orange-Haired Wonder will rally national support via sorrowful lamentations while standing tall on reality TV amidst the economic ruins.
A bumbling first strike by the U.S. could allow a Sino-Russian alliance to seal America’s fate once and for all; and most likely by nuclear means.
Then any surviving sheeple will eagerly line up for the Bill Gates of Hell special: A free digital tattoo along with a bonus vaccination and bowl of soup.
Welcome to the end of the rainbow. Orwell was right: we’ve always been at war with Eastasia and jackboots will stomp on human faces forever.  Unless, that is, the digital drip-drops from Q-anon and our online commentaries change the future.
For obvious reasons, I’ve been thinking of the autistic livestock guru Temple Grandin and how she pioneered more humane methods of leading animals to slaughter. One of the methods was to have cattle march to their demise single file via tall shutes.  That sort of isolation seems reminiscent of what’s occurring in America now – with people staring at walls, muzzled by masks, and numbly following orders while remaining six-feet apart.

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