Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Globalism And The Commitment To National Identities

Two World Wars And A Debilitating Cold War Did Nothing To Dissuade Global 'Elites' From Building A New Empire On The Ashes Of The Old - It Will Suffer A Similar Fate

Nationalism has become the great bugaboo of global talking heads today.  It is discussed in the marbled halls of Western capitals as a scourge that must be eliminated just as swiftly as its equally detested cousin, populism.  Policies that are popular with the people and nation-states that reflect the self-determination of the people cannot be permitted!  

Who says?  Some very important people who belong to august bodies such as the European Commission, the United Nations, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization.  International groups with lofty reputations have no time to trifle with the beliefs and needs of discrete peoples.  The globalists are here to save democracy by ridiculing and rejecting whatever the people might want!

Sounds a little bit like an absolute monarchy, does it not?  The public is not in the mood for another round of CV lockdowns.  Who cares? — it’s what the WHO director commands!  Citizens are extremely unhappy with the attendant crime, cultural conflict, and expanded welfare obligations that come with rampant illegal immigration.  So what? — the unelected bureaucrats at the E.C. and the U.N. are committed to destroying national identities!  Westerners demand an end to money-printing and runaway inflation.  Who asked them? — we do what the multinational investment firms say!  

What we have today are kings and queens who sit on distant thrones and bark orders at the common people living under their rule.  Those who object to being ruled are condemned as “extremists,” vulgar “populists,” and bigoted “nationalists.”  From the royalty’s point of view, anyone who represents the people is a threat to the globalist monarchy’s continuing reign.  Populists and nationalists, you say?  Egad, off with their heads!

Why can’t the French, Dutch, British, German, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Australian, Canadian, and American governments represent their own peoples?  Because those territories are too small for their designs.  Today’s “elites” have global domination on their minds.  The concerns of individual nation-states are too petty for those who covet the whole planet.

We used to have a pretty good word to describe an arrangement in which many separate countries are forced to bend the knee and pay tribute to a superior power: empire.  


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