Sunday, April 21, 2024

Things To Come?

How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?
Ray DiLorenzo

Odd question, I know. But we're all in this together, and we had better figure out how to deal with this quickly. Globalists want us dead. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has stated many times in print and in speeches that the planet is overpopulated and that its survival depends on controlling climate change, reducing population, controlling food supply, and our bad habits like owning cars.

This has not been an easy article to write or research. Many people and entities that we trusted are suspected of such depraved activity; it would be difficult to find an equal in human history.

Even Jane Goodall, the famous (or infamous) naturalist and chimpanzee expert, said recently that our environmental problems wouldn't exist if our population was at the level it was 500 years ago. That's a population spread of between 425 and 540 million people on the planet. How odd! That is what the WEF says would be just right. Goodall may be familiar with chimpanzees, but I don't think people will queue up for euthanasia.

So, how do you kill 7.5 billion people?

You start by frightening people and creating an atmosphere of crisis. "Climate change is going to kill us all." Complain that we don't have enough food to feed everyone, and then proceed to destroy a significant portion of the food supply. Hardly a day goes by without hearing of a food production facility catching fire or blowing up.

You tell Africans how badly the climate is affecting their continent and then make it worse by limiting their access to energy.

You preach, especially in North America and Europe, that single-family homes are wasteful and have a high carbon footprint (climate change, remember?). Private transportation in the form of an internal combustion engine is definitely out, so you push EVs that they can't afford and are of little use during the winter months; then you hope people will eventually give up all together and take public transportation.

You say you don't have public transportation in that small rural town of yours? They have solved that problem. You're not going to be living in a small rural town. They will force you to relocate to a city with public transportation and close surveillance of your every move. Of course, this will only happen if they grant you permission to leave your 15-minute neighborhood, where they have assured you that everything you need is within a 15-minute walk or less. If you can't walk that far, they also have an answer, but you won't like it.


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