Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hal Lindsey: Antisemitism - An Ancient Evil Reborn

Hal Lindsey

While the people slept, an ancient evil rose among them. At the beginning of this millennium, most people, including Jewish Americans, thought antisemitism had mostly been banished from the land. But after 9/11, against all reason, it started growing again. Today it manifests itself everywhere. Young people speak antisemitic slogans as a bizarre form of virtue signaling.

We can see it in the signs and hear it in the chants on campuses and in the streets. Young people, most born after 9/11/2001, today sing out the ideologies of our 2001 enemy — “Death to America!” … “There is only one Solution, Intifada. Revolution!” … “Long live Hamas!” … “Death to Jews!” They compare those who disagree with them to the Ku Klux Klan. But who would agree more with the chant, “Death to Jews!” than the KKK? These pitiful children have become the thing they decry.

They warn us of their intent, saying, “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!” They often cry out, “We are Hamas!” If they are Hamas, it means they want to kill Jews and Christians. Their hate has nothing to do with so-called colonization. It is all about hatred for “people of the book” because they are Jews and Christians. 

If they “are Hamas,” they want to replace democracy with a theocratic ruling elite. Hamas leaders have not held an election in Gaza since they came to power in 2006. Gaza’s Hamas overlords ended women’s rights, destroyed freedom of religion, criminalized freedom of speech, and have done their best to end freedom of thought. They murder homosexuals, a group whose cause most of these young people consider dear to their hearts. The control Hamas exercises over its subjects knows no limits. They tell women, for instance, exactly what clothes to wear.

Antisemitism is just one aspect of the ancient evil. It can be described more generally as open rebellion against God. God loves people, so the ancient evil hates people. God chose one people for the task of presenting Himself to the world through His words and the Word. So, the evil does everything it can to engender hatred against the chosen nation, and especially toward a Jew called Jesus Christ, the Word incarnate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is the common theme of those that drive the agenda and fund this global takeover. Divide and conquer. Promote an agenda that keeps people stirred up as a sleight of hand trick to not realize their true intent. Also, it serves a second reason and that is for those being targeted to demand protection and those pushing this agenda are more than willing to increase the police state laws that will decrease freedom and first on the list is freedom of speech and the right to assemble and protest injustice. It isn’t about antisemitism. It is about increasing their grip on the global population as a whole. Look behind the scene and examine whom is funding all this extremism and you will see the satanic fingerprints of those evil minions pushing and funding this global destruction. Their reach is far and wide and have grown roots in each of our supposed representatives of most if not all governments on this planet. Their entire agenda is based upon the hope that the frogs don’t realize they are being boiled to death while they keep increasing the heat. Most people can’t see beyond their nose and fall right into the pot demanding more and more heat( restrictions) and will be the victims of depopulation. As Bill Maher said so eloquently. Abortion is sorta murder, but he is ok with it because there are too many people. This is their true intent. Except it isn’t just those in the womb. It is every person the WEF deems to be useless. Pull back the curtain and expose their divide and conquer agenda.