Friday, April 12, 2024

Countering the threats to Evangelical support of Israel

Countering the threats to Evangelical support of Israel

Anti-Semitism is rearing its ugly head again and Christians must understand how dangerous this is, not only for the Jews, but for all of Western civilization. We expect anti-Semitism and anti- Zionism from the mainline denominations, but we don’t expect it from Evangelicals because, after all, Evangelicals usually read the Bible and know what it says about Israel and the Jewish people. However, Evangelical support for Israel can no longer be taken for granted. 

In 1938, Hitler gave everyone in Germany a radio, and then he began his diatribes. Harry Truman understood the impact of the media and he believed that if he could just broadcast the simple unvarnished truth on Radio Free Europe, he could educate the masses. He was successful. 

This is why the work that CAMERA and Proclaiming Justice to the Nations are doing in the media, fighting these issues in the media, is critically important. If we don’t spread this message globally, if we don’t stand up, if Jews and Christians do not unite together this time, we are going to be in trouble once again.

As we look around the globe, we are confounded by events in the Middle East, in Europe, and even now in the United States. We live in a challenging and sober time in human history. Many of us believe we’re coming to the climax of that history.

If we look closely, we see a biblical warning that in the latter days, even the elect will be deceived. We have been warned that we must keep our doctrine sound and pure. As II Timothy 3:1 says, “In the last days difficult times will come. And many will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.” 

Jesus warned his disciples of the deception in the last days, in Matthew 24, when he said, “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”

Is this happening today in the Evangelical Church? I would say that it is, and the trend is alarming, to say the least.

In the scriptures, God made an everlasting covenant with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. That covenant was confirmed in the Torah, in the Prophets, and in the New Testament writings. For Christians, the first five books of the Old Testament – the Torah – are the plumb line for our faith. The Prophets and the New Testament writings attest to what the Countering the Threats to Evangelical Support of Israel Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Th.M. If we don’t stand up, if Jews and Christians do not unite together this time, we are going to be in trouble once again. 

Dr. Laurie Cardoza-Moore has devoted her life to educating Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and the State of Israel. In 2005, she became the founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, an organization that utilizes the powerful medium of documentary films to educate Christians and facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities. Torah says about the covenant between God and Israel. If our understanding does not line up with what is written, then we are following false doctrines and traditions.

The purpose of this monograph is to discuss the threats and challenges to Evangelical Christian support for Israel, and the relationship between Evangelicals and the Jewish people. I am going to focus on the history of this support, the threats to Jewish-Christian relations, and how we can counter current threats to both the support and our relationship.


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