Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Famine Sign

Are Fears Of A Global Food Crisis A Harbinger Of Things To Come?

There is a rising concern in the world today over food shortages. Even in Europe, which is a well-fed continent, there is increasing unease about future food shortages that could spill over into a global crisis. 

Earlier this month, Bloomberg published an article, “Europe’s New Security Nightmare Is Food Supply.” In it, they describe a growing level of anxiety about securing supplies. This article parallels another article in the Business Standard, which reads: 

The combined forces of El Niño and La Niña have crippled Latin American soy output. Ukrainian and Russian grain farmers have gone to war. Indonesia has banned shipments of palm oil to Europe, while China is hungry for crops. The Mediterranean region is getting more like a desert.

“Food shortage in Europe? The only question is when.”

This article does not say all those things are happening now, but that they are forecasted and could occur in the future, leading to a global food crisis.

The article goes on:

Over two days in central Brussels last month, some 60 European Union and government officials, food security experts, industry representatives and a few journalists gathered to confront the possibility of something barely on the radar a few years ago: a full-blown food crisis.

Essentially, they gathered to stress-test the food distribution system and production—especially in Europe. This was called a “wargaming” exercise for a full-blown food crisis. 

Just think about this: household spending on food in Nigeria is 60%. In Egypt, where my wife and I have been the last couple of weeks, it’s 40%. There’s a fear that this kind of food shortage and calamity will spread out to different parts of the world.

When I read things like this, my mind immediately goes to Revelation chapter six, which describes the four horsemen of the apocalypse. What we see here is a faint foreshadowing of what the Bible says is coming.

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