Thursday, February 22, 2024

UN’s unprecedented effort to reduce CO2 is really about “green finance” which will be devastating to societies if we don’t stop it

UN’s unprecedented effort to reduce CO2 is really about “green finance” which will be devastating to societies if we don’t stop it

The United Nations’ unprecedented effort to reduce emissions of CO2, would be not only costly but deadly as well. The denial of efficient, affordable energy to a world in need would necessarily lead to the loss of millions of lives and the impoverishment of many millions more. This is intentional.

The above are remarks made in the introduction of a 64-page report published by the Executive Intelligence Review (“EIR”) in September 2019.  The report is aptly named ‘CO₂ Reduction’ is a Mass Murder Policy Designed by Wall Street and the City of London’.

As the name suggests, the report details carbon dioxide (“CO2”) reduction as a mass murder policy. It discusses climate psychologists promoting CO2 reduction as a solution viewing economic development as undermining the future, and advocating for policies that may have negative consequences.

It discusses the “green finance bubble”; the push for “green finance” by the Bank of England and BlackRock that will lead to devastating societal damage if not stopped in time.

And gives the history of energy development which shows the importance of increasing energy flux-density for societal progress, contrasting with the limitations of green energy sources like wind and solar power.

Importantly, the first chapter ‘The Age of Reason is in the Stars’ emphasises the need for a positive image of mankind and passionate love for humanity to unleash the unlimited potential of humans.

Greening World Finance

The global push for a transition to a “climate sustainable economy” cannot be understood unless it is put in the context of the bankrupt global financial system.  The “greening of the economy” is nothing but the last effort to bail out the system with a new giant financial bubble.

Not accidentally, in a paper published on 12 September 2019, the Institute of International Finance, the cartel of the financial industry, has characterised the green economy as “the new gold.”

As EIR is drafting its report, CO2 is Mass Murder, central banks and government efforts to keep the global financial system artificially alive after the 2008 financial crisis are approaching their exhaustion. The big 2008 bailout blew out central bank balance sheets and pushed government budgets to the limit of over-indebtedness, rolling over and actually increasing the global debt bubble.

Overall, global debt had grown to $244 trillion as of the third quarter of 2018, a 100% increase from a decade ago. At the same time, austerity measures implemented by governments to make the bailouts “fiscally sustainable” have brought the real economy to a halt. A decade of liquidity injections by central banks with zero and now negative interest rates has kept inflating the bubble while failing in the purported aim of reviving the real economy.

As a result, the system is facing a liquidity crisis in the short term, which will require an even larger bailout effort than in 2008, when the Fed alone committed up to $16.8 trillion overnight to prevent a total collapse.

The answer of the financial industry to the threatened collapse of the system is the creation of a new giant bubble financed with taxpayers’ and “helicopter” money. The new bubble is called “green finance.” It won’t work, but it will do devastating damage to society if we don’t stop it in time.


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