Thursday, February 22, 2024

Navalny’s Death – A Western-Instigated “False Flag”?

Navalny’s Death – A Western-Instigated “False Flag”?
Peter Koenig 

It is no secret that the West is hellbent to destroy President Putin, to force a Western friendly regime-change, so that finally after how many failed attempts (?) the West can take over this vast Russia, largest country in the world, by far the richest in natural resources which the West covets.

This too will be a failure.

Killing Aleksei A. Navalny, a lawyer and President Putin’s strongest adversary, would not be beyond Western secret services, just to strike at Vladimir Putin. Mr. Navalny’s death was announced on Friday, 16 February 2024. He was 47.

Washington and the EU surely have their people “infiltrated” in the Kremlin and other high security places.

Mr. Navalny was imprisoned at the IK-3 penal colony north of the Arctic Circle located in Kharp in the Yamalо-Nenets Region, about 1,900 km northeast of Moscow.

“When Alexei’s lawyer and mother arrived at the colony in the morning of Monday, 19 February, they were told that the cause of Navalny’s death was sudden death syndrome,” Ivan Zhdanov, who directs Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, said on Saturday. See this.

The WEF’s Klaus Schwab and company, and those pulling the strings and pushing the agenda, the Financial Military, ID, Media, Pharma (FMIMP) Complex, know no limits.

Nothing could stop the West, especially not during the come hell-or-high-water implementation of Agenda 2030, alias the Great Reset.

The FMIMP Complex “Cult Masters” know they are running out of time. They are in a tug of war with the ever-increasing number of people awaking and resisting. Believe it or not, the targets of UN Agenda 2030 / Great Reset have been advanced to 2025.

Why would President Putin kill his adversary, who is safely locked away in a prison in Siberia, almost 2,000 km north of the Kremlin?

Makes no sense.

Makes even less sense to have this presumed “murder” committed on the very day, when the Munich Security Conference (MSC, Febr 16-18, 2024) opened its doors to a plethora of “the rich and famous” —politicians with names, famous or infamous, like Antony Blinken, current US Secretary of State; Hillary Clinton, current Chancellor of Queen’s University of Belfast (remember, “We came, we saw, he died” about Mohammed Khadafi, see video below); John Kerry, the “Climate Czar”, Joe Biden’s Special Envoy on Climate, and many more.

Ms. Clinton, former NY Senator, and former Secretary of State (Obama Administration) gives an interview on PBS to Christian Amanpour of Amanpour & Co. on Alexei Navalny’s death, saying that there was no doubt in her mind that Navalny’s death was the direct “result of Putin’s brutality.

“ She also referred to a video conference of the day before [15 February] with Mr. Navalny from the prison, on “some kind of a legal appearance during which he [Navalny] looked healthy and he was his usual confident, joke-cracking self….”

Ms. Yulia Navalnaya, Alexei Navalny’s widow, also appears at the MSC, calling for justice. She is, of course, right, calling for justice. Where is justice, who represents justice? For Ms. Navalnaya’s sake, for their children and for the Navalny family, indeed, justice should be found.

See this from BBC.

Absurdity abounds. During comments on reports of Navalny’s death, President Joe Biden called on Congress to pass a US$95 billion aid package that includes a new infusion of money to help Ukraine in its war against Russia. See this.

The MSC was the perfect occasion to lambast President Putin, to denigrate him, to call him names, including “murderer”.

It looks like Navalny’s death was perfectly planned, so perfectly, it sounds and looks almost naïve to believe that President Putin would choose such a moment in time – the Munich Security Conference MSC – to get rid of his opposition leader.

In other words, the planners behind this presumed murder, were addressing the Western “Putin haters” in the hope that pressure would mount, trusting to get closer to President Putin’s demise.

Anybody who saw Tucker Carlson’s interview with President Putin knows that Putin’s level of intellect and diplomacy is way beyond murdering an adversary. Despite being the heaviest sanctioned man and country – Russia – in the world, President Putin did not say one negative or “bad” word against any of his Western antagonists and aggressors.

President Putin’s tone was, though one of deception, not failing to express his hope for reestablishing days of harmony between the West and Russia, between the West and the East. See this full 2-hour Tucker Carlson interview.

It is therefore highly unlikely that Mr. Navalny’s death was a Kremlin inside job. Just think, cui bono – who benefits?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The most intelligent are capable of making stupid decisions. There is history of eliminating opposition in Russia. Whether it could have been Putin or someone else within the regime is anyone’s guess or it could have been setup from outside of the regime by external forces. Probably never know. As far as 2030 or now 2025, nothing will change. This will just be another nord stream, Epstein type incident. Side show. The agenda desperately moves forward regardless . All things will come to pass as prophecy has enlightened the faithful and the reward for the enduring faithful will be everlasting life.