Thursday, February 22, 2024

Migrant Crisis and the States Increasingly Defying the Feds

Migrant Crisis and the States Increasingly Defying the Feds

In December 2023 alone, at least 300,000 crossed the border. The numbers are going up. And I wonder, where are you going to put them? They arrive with nothing more than the shirts on their backs, but need a place to sleep and something to eat.

What is the purpose of welcoming these people in to become wards of the State? There is already no place to put them, other than schools, airports, or public buildings. But millions more are on the way. Many hotels, like the Roosevelt in New York, have been rented for them. For the next step, people may be asked, or ordered, to make their second homes or guest houses available to the migrants. Or perhaps spare bedrooms in their homes.

You might think that’s absurd. And it is. But something will be done to accommodate millions of aliens who are encouraged to enter the US. They’re immediately made into welfare recipients.

The number of migrants is certain to grow. Government-funded NGOs give most of them debit cards and cellphones. They come from the world’s poorest places. You can be certain that one of the first calls that they make is to friends back home, saying “Come to America.”

But the result will be utter chaos in the US over the next few years. Even if the border is closed after the elections, many millions more will still pile up in Mexico. Most migrants are young males. They (justifiably, at this point) hold Americans in complete contempt for being weak, soft, and lacking self-respect. Many will form up into criminal gangs.

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