Saturday, December 30, 2023

Looking Ahead To 2024: Do You Dare even Look?

Do You Dare Even Look? — Forecast 2024

You may legitimately ask: Does America deserve what it’s getting? Well, you know the old maxim about hard times make strong men. . . strong men bring good times. . . good times make weak men. . . . Our national quandary is certainly a case of that, plus the manifestation of well-known terrestrial cycles (e.g., Fourth Turnings), plus the workings of emergence as the dynamics involved in all this sort themselves out. . . topped off by the “secret sauce” of Globalist wickedness, with the aim of severe population reduction and the asset stripping of Western Civ for the benefit of the that moneygrubbing Globalist transhuman technocrat rat-pack.

So, the country is in the toilet and it is our job in 2024 to make sure it doesn’t get flushed all the way down the pipe. That’s all the throat-clearing you will hear before we get to the meat of this broadside: predictions for the year ahead.

The USA under the “Joe Biden” has lost its military credibility, its economic power, and its moral authority. We must wonder if we are susceptible to being overrun, and possibly even occupied by our adversaries. Of course, the first duty of any government is to defend the country’s sovereign territory. “Joe Biden’s” Homeland Security Chief Mayorkas is allowing more than 10,000 illegal aliens across the Mexican border each and every day. Most of these characters are military-age men, 90-percent of them lately from places other than Latin America, quite a few from China and hostile Muslim lands. We don’t bother vetting them anymore. We just give them cell phones, debit cards loaded with $5,000 of walking-around money, and plane tickets to. . . wherever they like. They’re not here to make Moo Goo Gai Pan or trim privet hedge. What do you think might happen in a set-up like that?

Prediction: in 2024, things are going to blow up around the USA. Infrastructure. Power plants, transport hubs, public places, bridges, monuments, you name it. If you can sneak people and fentanyl across the border, you can sneak Semtex and C-4 plastic explosives over and the electronics are easy to get in-country. 

I wouldn’t rule out fissionable materials either, or stuff than can be used as a “dirty bomb” — a conventional explosive that disperses dangerous radioactive material when it blows. I’d also expect groups of trained “migrant” men with rifles, grenades, and so on, to be shooting up places where people gather. We under-appreciate the amount of mayhem you can kick off with small arms. If the “Joe Biden” regime just stands by on that and does nothing, will you be surprised to hear that American citizens begin forming militias to shoot back, maybe even start to hunt down and round up illegal immigrants? The table is set for exactly this kind of low-grade war right here in our country.

The year 2023 will go down in history as the point at which the globalists completed the assembly of their secret army inside the U.S.

By my calculations, there are anywhere from 1.5 million to 5 million foreign soldiers already inside the U.S. awaiting orders. My math is based on the government’s own statistics for illegals entering the U.S. over the last three years and then I estimated how many were military-age males using very conservative numbers on the low end and moderately conservative numbers on the top end. The most conservative number, 1.5 million, assumes that no foreign agents of military age were already here prior to January 2021, which of course we know cannot be the case but I wanted to demonstrate just how conservative these numbers are.

So, we have 1.5 million, at the very least, super-fit males of military age we’ve seen entering the U.S. as “asylum seekers,” which has become the new Orwellian term for illegal aliens. It’s no longer a secret. You can go on X, formerly Twitter, and watch countless videos of waves of men entering the U.S. with no papers to identify who they are. Even if we go with the ultra-conservative figure of a 1.5 million-man army now assembled inside the United States, that is formidable by anyone’s standards.

Now, what if all those weapons purchased by U.S. federal government agencies were accumulated for the purpose of arming this assembled army? Think about that. Everyone wondered why federal agencies with no law enforcement role, like the Small Business Administration, Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, were buying up guns and ammo under Obama’s administration and now again under Biden’s regime.

This unprecedented militarization of the federal government did not even stop under Trump, it just slowed down. I am not here to tell you why those agencies have felt the need to arm up, but I can tell you that the reason can’t be good. And one plausible explanation would be that they will use these stockpiles to supply one side in a coming civil war.

2023 was also the year they told us their plans in the wide open (“they” being the billionaires and multi-millionaires associated with the globalist World Economic Forum and its United Nations-allied, Vatican-allied agenda which they hope to have completely implemented by 2030).

They want a completely digital economy with digital IDs for everyone and no more cash, only digital tokens, meaning no more privacy or freedom for anyone. They will know everywhere you go, everything you buy, everyone you associate with, and they will use that information to either reward or punish you based on your carbon footprint.

Combining the dual tracking tools of digital ID with digital currency, the powers that be will finally have a fool-proof method of tracking, monitoring and assigning social credit scores to every human being who walks the earth. The digital money and digital IDs will link up with the embedded (and internet-connected) Smart-City technology being installed in nearly every city throughout the world. This technology is being installed by government contractors right under the noses of fully ignorant residents in cities of all sizes – it’s for our safety, they tell us. In reality, they are hoping to build a population of cyborgs.

The globalists also told us repeatedly in 2023 that we, as human beings, are no longer needed. They have AI now and that is fully capable of handling most of the tasks that corporations and governments have in the past paid human beings to perform. I presume that means they will start dispatching with the most unneeded among us in 2024. There are too many useless people, says Yuval Harari, one of Klaus Schwab’s chief lieutenants at the WEF.

Also in 2023, they opened the gates of World War III by provoking Russia and trying to back that country’s leader into a dangerous corner. In the process of trying to achieve a regime change in Russia, they practically emptied out the munitions arsenals of the entire West, sending endless supplies of 155mm shells, Patriot missiles, ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles, drones and other key weapons to Ukraine and Israel. These stockpiles will take years to replenish and nobody’s really talking about it.

With that background, here are a few of my predictions for 2024 (some are more like trends than predictions):

 Continued global war on food and fiat currencies. The death of the U.S. dollar will lead to a death of brick-and-mortar retail, and
shortages of many common items as the supply chain continues to erode and the economy slowly melts down. As all of those U.S. dollars once used by foreign nations to purchase products in international trade come flooding back home to the U.S., we are looking at the prospect of rampant inflation, especially for anything fuel or food related. Before they can fully implement the central bank digital currencies, they must utterly make worthless the paper fiat currencies, and 2024 will be the year they do that.

 MAJOR cyberattacks will target banking and financial sectors, communications and possibly even shut down large portions of the electric power grid, causing widespread panic and unrest. This will be done either by the U.S. government or by a foreign power with the knowledge of the U.S. government. The idea is to blame the misery on a foreign boogey man like Russia or China, most likely Russia, which is always the boogey man of choice for the U.S. government. This will allow the U.S. government to fuel anti-Russian hatred, appeal to Americans’ sense of patriotism, and implement a military draft as it prepares for all-out war with Russia-China in 2025.

Lawlessness and civil unrest will continue to increase heading up to the November 5, 2024 election and beyond. The prospect of civil war (followed by World War III in 2025?) is now highly likely. I would estimate the threat of civil war breaking out in 2024 at greater than 50-50 for reasons I have explained in previous articles.

 Construction of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border finally commences in 2024, but not for the reason most Americans think. The wall will be built not to keep foreigners out but to keep Americans in. The globalists have already assembled a foreign army of sleeper cells inside the U.S. How many more troops will they need? Not too many more, in my opinion. Near the end of 2024 don’t be surprised if you see construction started on a wall. Every effective dictatorship needs a wall to keep its citizens in check and, as I’ve explained previously, the U.S. is no longer a constitutional republic. Why would we expect it to suddenly start acting like one again?

There are two potential scenarios surrounding Donald J. Trump. Under Scenario A, Trump gets elected in a landslide but is never allowed to see the inside of the White House. The regime in Washington calls out BLM and antifa to set fire to the streets in “mostly peaceful” protests, then declares martial law and accuses Trump of being an enemy of the state who was elected under false pretenses. MAGA people are rounded up and placed in camps. They put out a warrant for Trump’s arrest or maybe have him assassinated by one of their patsies. Under Scenario B, Trump loses to Biden or whoever runs on the Democrat ticket because Colorado, Maine and several other states are trying to remove him from the ballot or maybe they keep him on the ballot but stuff ballot boxes with fake votes. EITHER SCENARIO, A or B, will serve to jumpstart the Second American Civil War so coveted by the billionaire globalist elites.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, those behind depopulation wish to use what ever is available to reduce the population. Most individuals coming across border are for economic reasons. Not to assemble a standing army. But, there are inserted into those crossing border individuals with an agenda backed by certain nation states that benefit from the collapse of the United States so Yes, cells are forming more than likely to be used to disrupt communication, supply lines, grid related essential services, etc.. The worst possible scenario is likely an attempt to starve the population into submission. Probably not a civil war, but more of a conflict of control over resources. Those that live in areas of high population density will more than likely suffer the consequences of the depopulation agenda first. Those that live in more rural environments will band together to form not so much militias, but civil protection groups to reestablish and maintain available resources. There is hope that cooler heads will prevail over this agenda and wake up to restore faith leading to a mass arrest of those behind the depopulation agenda. There is no way to predict what will happen this is all conjecture. Pray for humanity even if nothing happens. Trust in GOD and above all keep his commandments especially those that Yeshua reiterate as the most important of all. Love GOD and love neighbor.