Monday, April 5, 2021

Terry James: A Most Intriguing Pair

A Most Intriguing Pair…

Terry James

In observing all the many indicators that the Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week) might be about to begin, we can, with reasonable certainty, speculate that the evil dictator of that prophesied era might be almost in view. “Is the Antichrist alive today?” is the question that is asked, right up there with, “Is America in Bible prophecy?”

The question about who this terrible tyrant will be has preoccupied many students of Bible prophecy for centuries. But it is the past few decades, with the movement into ever-increasing rebelliousness against the God of Heaven, that have been an incubator for giving the question immediately crucial importance. That is, everything is now almost in place for birthing that Beast system of control upon planet earth.

Antichrist’s regime of terror can be seen developing in the area of economics. Fiscal equilibrium is so out of balance nationally and worldwide as to require, as it is called, a “reset.”

This includes the globalists elite manipulating sovereign nations into a one world order of economy. It’s all moving toward the prophesied Antichrist numbers-and-mark system of Revelation 13:16–18. This is largely what the entire period of hatred for Donald J. Trump has been about. America’s dollar, thus it’s hegemony over other economies of the world, must be destroyed and US assets brought under the auspices of a central banking system. It is all to prepare for the institution of the 666 regime of economic control—over which Antichrist will be master.

But now a man, the Roman Catholic Pope Francis, the so-called Vicar of Christhas declared on many occasions that there are many ways to God, not just the way given in the Bible. As pontiff and acknowledged by most religious observers as head of all Christendom, this pope’s apostate view validates for the world that Christ as the only way to salvation is a lie. This, too, is a bomb-burst notice against the black skies of end-times evil that the platform for Antichrist is almost complete in its construction.

All seems set for Antichrist to take the stage for the wind-up of human history leading to Christ’s return. Should we expect that that entity be on the scene today?

I will say here that I don’t know, but that it’s not only possible, but probable that he is somewhere on planet earth today and that he could be thrust into his blasphemous limelight at any moment. That moment would be when the Rapture happens in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52).

Some believe strongly that that man is in view. As a matter of fact, those who hold to this belief say both the first and second beasts of Revelation 13 might be even now consulting with each other.

I’m not saying that I accept this. I’m just saying that there are many who do see that pair as already making themselves known in today’s headlines. A news item frames the scene some see as Antichrist and the False Prophet to come making their presence known.

FROM VATICAN NEWS: Pope Francis and France’s President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone on Sunday, according to a press release from the President’s Office at Élysée Palace. The call, which was requested by the Pope, marks the fifth time the two world leaders have spoken since Macron’s election in 2017.

Their conversation reportedly lasted around 40 minutes, and came after President Macron sent the Pope a message on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of his election to the papacy.

The last time they spoke was October 30th of last year, after the attacks on the Cathedral of Nice, which killed 3 people.

Iraq visit “a turning point”

The Élysée press office said that during their Sunday conversation the two spoke at length about Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Journey to Iraq. Macron said the visit marked “a true turning point” for the Middle Eastern region. The pair also dwelt on their “thoughts and concerns” about several crises affecting various parts of the globe…

According to the Élysée press statement, President Macron also spoke to the Pope about the “challenges of a post-Covid world”. Pope Francis published a book with British journalist Austen Ivereigh on the subject, in which he said humanity has been given the opportunity to build a better world after the pandemic.  (“Pope Francis speaks to French President Emmanuel Macron by phone, discussing his recent visit to Iraq and the challenges of a post-Covid world,” by Vatican News staff writer, Vatican News, Rapture Ready News March 25, 2021)

Again, I don’t know—nor does anyone else—who Antichrist and his False Prophet will be. This pair does, however, make for intriguing speculation. In the final analysis, we have only God’s Word in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 to tell us about the timing of Antichrist’s coming onto the world scene as that “man of sin.”


Stephen said...

the agenda is demonic, very much so. and stock bulls are getting very very greedy all of a sudden.


THE RAPTURE. sign in the heavens on 21 DEC 2020 confirms all this.


Stephen said...





George said...

Hey Scott we talked about this guy years ago when he became president of France. I don’t know, nobody knows for sure. But if you go to NTEB (Now The End Begins) website and type in Macron they have many articles on this guy one in particular

This guys parents who were atheist named him Emanuel (god with us) what is up with that? I take it all with a grain of salt because it does not matter. We won’t be here. But I tell you what, these to men, the pope and Macron are in alliance with each other. If you were to warn none believers about who might sign a covenant of peace with Israel for seven years he would be a likely candidate.

I’m glad you posted this article