Saturday, April 10, 2021

Pete Garcia: Dispensationalism In The Age Of Wokeness

Dispensationalism in the Age of Corporate Wokeness

Pete Garcia

Our “just cause” is advancing a Kingdom that is not yet here. We are passionate about bringing as many people on board ‘the Ark’ with us as possible because a flood of judgment is coming. This judgment will sweep over the entire world, and its 21+ judgments will wash away all the sin and rot that has been a mainstay in creation since Adam and Eve’s fall. Thus, watching the prophetic tides washing upon the shores of our age, is just as inevitable as watching the ocean tides hit the beach.

Since Dispensationalists, are just about the only remaining remnant who not only watch the times for our Lord’s return but accurately understand how all these things are to play out (and what our response is to be), makes us doubly offensive to the world and to those who do not want the Kingdom to come.

From our perspective, we can no more stop prophecy from coming to pass, than we could stop the ocean waves from hitting the sandy shores. Those who are trying to stop it, or change its direction, are like those who stand on the beach and scoop the water away with their hands. Even if we had a thousand, or a million hands with us, we couldn’t stop the tide from coming in any more than we can stop or delay Bible prophecy from coming to pass.

From the world’s perspective, the dispensationalists are akin to those members of the Flat Earth Society. We are relegated to the fringe edges of accepted norms. We talk about things like the Rapture or Christ returning at the Second Coming, and from their perspective, we might as well be saying that Emperor Zig-Zag Zorg from the Nebula galaxy was arriving on pink flying turtles. They have completely removed us from the public arena of ideas, so much so, that if we even dared speak out, we would lose our jobs, our reputations, and possibly, everything else.

In terms of American civil liberties, we are watching those rapidly erode in the age of cancel culture and political correctness faster than we could have ever anticipated. But it is no surprise. We Dispensationalists, of all people, knew those had to erode, and that the US would lose its standing as the world’s preeminent superpower because the Bible makes no mention of a nation like the United States. And for those of us who have already long been censored and silenced, first by the seminaries, then the pulpits of a growing majority of churches, and then, in the public arena of ideas, the rest of America is finally catching up to where we’ve already been for decades. I suppose it is less shocking for us to see it since they came for us first.

It is EVERYTHING about getting you to cave on what you believe objective truth to be. It is about getting you to set aside your ability to reason and use common-sense, and to accept their version of the truth, regardless of how absurd their truth is. Because if they can get you to acquiesce and mentally kneel in submission to something as asinine as swapping genders, they can get you to believe ANYTHING.

Again, it’s not about getting you to believe things that are absurd on their face as real, it’s about getting you to set aside your ability to reason and accept a delusion.

As Dispensationalists, we are not only Pre-Millennial but Pre-Tribulation believers in the Rapture of the Church. What this means, is that the Church (the universal, corporate-body of born-again believers) will be removed from the earth prior to the start of the 70th Week of Daniel (aka…the Tribulation). Furthermore, by removing the Church, God the Holy Spirit, who was sent to seal the Church until the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30), will be removed (or set aside) as well.

As Dispensationalists, we are not only Pre-Millennial but Pre-Tribulation believers in the Rapture of the Church. What this means, is that the Church (the universal, corporate-body of born-again believers) will be removed from the earth prior to the start of the 70th Week of Daniel (aka…the Tribulation). Furthermore, by removing the Church, God the Holy Spirit, who was sent to seal the Church until the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30), will be removed (or set aside) as well.

Now, if the Holy Spirit (the Helper, Comforter, and Restrainer) is sent to the earth, He can also be recalled from these roles. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, so it is not like He wasn’t on the earth before Acts 2, but because His role was different, He was operating under a different set of divine orders before Acts 2, and after Acts 2. However, if the Holy Spirit is recalled, then He is no longer “convicting the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” This is where Paul states that God will send the world a “strong delusion” and they (the Christ-rejecting left-behind world) will believe the lie (2 Thess. 2:9-11).

We might have been a flawed nation, but we were a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles. No other nation did more to promulgate the spreading of the Gospel, than the United States. We might have acted ill-tempered and foolish at times, but we continuously served as a lighthouse in the storm for the religiously downtrodden, a safe harbor for those seeking liberty and religious freedom. When our light goes out, so too will it symbolize the lights going out for the rest of the world.

Our absence from the pages of Holy Writ is, in my mind, intentional. God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10) and knew we would exist in the last days. The fact we don’t warrant a mention when nations like Libya, Iran, Russia, China, and Europe do, speaks volumes. The Rapture will absolutely decimate this nation, and in our collapse, the world will collapse. Out of that chaos, will rise the final Beast kingdom, headed by Antichrist, but we will not be here to see it.

“Because you have kept My word of perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of the testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who live on the earth.” – Revelation 3:10


Anonymous said...

The way people are losing their minds, accept so easily Big Governments lies, there are many who are empty vessels that reject God, so yep, it is looking like the end here is near. What reason does God want us to experience the "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" existence before eternal bliss we might ask, even knowing, it is written, we are to spread the word of GOd! Yes with God anything is possible, even finding joy at times like these, but as human-beings, it's trying too to watch stupidity and evil become one before our very eyes, in my opinion!

Definitely need to put our burdens on God's shoulders when weary! (:

Anonymous said...

America is mentioned many times.people just don't recognise that America received the birthright promises. One of the promises to Joseph is that they would be a great military power at the time of the end. Just check Genesis ch 49 for yourselves. America descends from Manasseh. In Genesis 48 Manasseh is adopted by Israel and Jacob placed his name upon him and his brother Ephraim. Modern day British nations.

Just look at Daniel 11. How does the Great Tribulation begin? It begins with the destruction of the strongest fortresses! Who was prophesied to have that at the end? Ephraim and Manasseh. Manasseh was to be a great single nation. America!

Daniel 11:39

39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain.

We also see that ships from Cyprus come against the beast BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins.

Do you think Cyprus will do that. My Bible has a footnote saying "Western lands". What is west of the Mediterranean sea? America. Who has a strong navy? America! People will think this is the beginning of WW3 but instead there will be a false peace and then sudden destruction comes! The beginning of Jacobs trouble (Israel, whom put his name on Manasseh!) America has forsaken the God of Israel. Judah & Ephraim will suffer too!