Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Stepping Stones Towards The Tribulation

Weapon of Mass Submission

Draconian measures by the State against the masses require the cooperation of the masses. This is the essence of political submission, and therefore, it is the foundation of the ruling “elite’s” plan to achieve a complete global economic and total control reset. At this stage of the plot, all is going just as the globalists expected, as the takeover of the human population is well underway.

CDC death figures for the U.S. were recently exposed. That report showed that 94% of those said to have died from Covid alone did not die from Covid at all. In fact, the 94% that died who were claimed as Covid deaths had on average 2.6 other co-morbidities evident. What that means is this entire virus scam was a fraud all along, and is being used as a weapon of submission in order to gain control over the entire population. Lies on top of lies have been used to frighten people into voluntarily destroying their lives in the name of false safety, and now the damage has reached levels that will be almost impossible to overcome at any time in the near or even distant future. One would think that with this ground shattering information, all citizens would be up in arms, but that does not seem to be the case. This is extremely troubling, as without a mass uprising of the people, this horrendous plan will continue to go forward.

 It is imperative to understand that nothing happening is organic or natural; it has all been purposely designed to achieve a particular outcome. That outcome is total world domination by the few, and in order to be successful in this venture, the current economic system must be destroyed, and a new digital monetary system that can be monitored and controlled from the top must be created and implemented.

Even though the CDC released death numbers that completely contradict the mainstream narrative, and show that this pandemic is a fraud, it is still little reported, and it seems that many would pay no attention to this revelation even if it were reported more widely. This alone shows the weakness and apathetic mindset that permeates the American populace today.

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