So here is the situation in downtown Portland, related to the complete collapse of the social order.
One: The Feckless political leadership. Worthless Wheeler, Medusa, and both the city council and Multnomah county council openly followed policies that let a Trump supporter get murdered as a result. Trump, well the Trump, Brown and Wheeler battle has little direct impact on daily life here in Sodom and Gommarah on the Willamette. The Antifa blm types are strutting around now, a smirk on their face, or a cheetah up in the tree licking its chops are a kill. Well now, they have made a a fatal mistake of not realizing the kind of blowback they have now unleashed. Trump won’t send in the tanks, and Brown and Wheeler won’t ask for them, so we are in kind of a stalemate where the armed militias are pondering what they will do. And it has put the fear of God in the blm and antifa types that they now consider 5,000 pissed off MAGA hat wearing “redneck types,” are going to come back into downtown Portland, only this time they will have AR-15’s and 1000 rounds and be looking to shoot anything that looks like blm or antifa, and they really all do look alike, they see. And you better F#%%% believe that the people living here are pondering that, despite what brown and the rest think they are TERRIFIED of a MAGA hat wearing invasion that leaves 2,000 blm types rotting on the streets.
That is the context, here in downdown as the collapse of the social order plays out to its inevitable end.
Now in terms of my personal situation, well lets just say anybody who can has left the general area, especially downtown. I did laundry today so I can’t say what is really going on. All the construction workers are still around. For whatever reason they are still building the new Ritz hotel, as if anybody will ever stay in it. This is what I mean by this thin layer of “normal” smoothed over a social order in chaos. The normal level of crazy, not related to blm antifa has also doubled, plus the homeless types are coming in like the Danes into England in 900 AD. 

I now carry two revolvers on me, with a total of 60 rounds, in speed strips, speed loaders and in the loaded revolvers. I am about as ready as I can be under the circumstances. I rate the city of Portland as in a state of civil war every night, with the outbreak of violence, on a nightly basis, as inevitable.
This has already ended in blood and fire, gang.
You should expect my situation to spread to every major urban city here in CONUS, as early as Labor Day, and certainly no later than the election on November 3rd, WHICH I NO LONGER EXPECT TO HAPPEN IN AN ORDERLY FASHION.
And no matter what these Marxist fools want in Portland, the National Guard, or even RA combat troops will be driving around Portland, also as early as Labor Day, or no later than Halloween, in my opinion.
Lock and load. Keep your powder, although that doesn’t really apply anymore, dry. Expect the unexpected. Assume anything, can happen anywhere, to anybody, and at any time The US Republic has had a good run of 244 years. It is now over. It will collapse, as soon as the end of 2020 into blood, fire, death and chaos. I will see you all on the other side. Take care.
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