Sunday, June 30, 2024

Total Manipulation:

Must See Video Shows How They Manipulate You With The News

My friend AwakenedOutlaw posted this to Twitter the other day and I think he’s so right…

In the past 6-12 months, a TON of people have red-pilled and started the process of “waking up”.

That process can be hard because it involves realizing you’ve been lied to by almost all institutions you previously trusted, most especially the “Nightly News”.

Think these are just local reports working on stories and bringing you the news they’ve uncovered from that day?


Take a look:


Many are still in the process of waking up and may have missed this gem. Do them all a favor by sharing this video with them. What's clear is that while most will only see their local news, what those outlets say is 100% dictated and directed from behind the curtain. That being true, the question to ask them after watching this is why everyone is saying EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

This truly needs to make the rounds and wake some people up!

In 1983, 90% of the “media” was owned by 50 different companies.

By 2015?  The same 90% was owned by only 6 companies.

Take a look:

Because when you consolidate so much control, it means you can send almost any message you want and broadcast it out in unison.

Think your local news is immune?

Think again.

Your local news is not all that local.

Your local news receives carefully orchestrated talking points they are required to read to you verbatim each day…doesn’t matter if it’s ABC, CBS, NBC or FOX, it’s all the same.

Want proof?

Well, just watch this right here on Rumble and prepare to have your mind blown (and then turn off your TV):

You THINK you have a choice between all these companies listed below in the circle, but what most people don’t realize is they’re all owned by only 11 companies.  

It’s an ILLUSION of choice.

The same goes for all your media…

It’s just an ILLUSION of different choices, but owned by these 6 companies:


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