Thursday, June 27, 2024

Moscow expects to sign new co-operation pact with Iran

Moscow expects to sign new co-operation pact with Iran
Rapture Forums

Many people have been asking lately if the end times prophecies regarding Ezekiel 38-39 are still on track given the current war between Israel and Hamas. While that war is currently occupying most of the headlines today in the Middle East, we can see clearly from the article below that Russia and Iran are continuing to build and cement their growing relationship in these last days.

In a sign that the Russian and Iranian End Times prophecies are slowly, but surely gaining traction, it is being reported by the Jerusalem Post:

Moscow expects to sign a new agreement on comprehensive cooperation with Iran “in the very near future,” Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko told Russia’s RIA state news agency in an interview published on Tuesday.

“We expect that this agreement will be signed in the very near future, since work on the text is already close to completion. All the necessary wording has been found,” RIA cited Rudenko as saying.

The Bible talks about in Ezekiel 38-39, the coming invasion of Israel by a coalition of countries that are aligned against her. The main players in these prophecies are Russia, Iran, and Turkey. They are the first three countries mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39. Other countries mentioned in the prophecies are countries that essentially surround Israel from all sides. Outside of Russia, the rest of the countries are of Islamic origin.

While this won’t surprise many watchers of Bible prophecy, we can easily see what the motivating force behind this prophecy will be. The Bible mentions that the motivation for the invaders is for material gain (to take a spoil). I believe that Islam will also be part of the driving force as well. Given the current sanctions against Russia for their ill-fated invasion of Ukraine, it is easy to see that Russia would be interested in the financial gain (money, minerals, energy, and natural resources) of the invasion as well as to restore their power and standing in the world. We can easily see that the Islamic countries would like to destroy Israel once and for all.


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