Thursday, June 27, 2024

Russia: Confiscation Of Gov't Assets Abroad Considered Declaration Of War - 'We Will Be Forced To Retaliate'

Developments: Russia put a new casus belli against the West on the table

Confiscation of government assets abroad can be considered a legitimate cause for a declaration of war. This is what the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, said at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (PMJF), commenting on Western manipulations in relation to Russia's assets, which the internationalists want to "get their hands on" in order to deliver to Ukraine!

Essentially, the former president of Russia raised a new casus belli in the confrontation with the West

The theft of state assets can be classified as aggression under certain conditions, Medvedev stressed. And even to become a casus belli (s.s. Latin "cause of war"), since the state could, in response, insist on the right of individual and collective self-defense.

"We will be forced to retaliate based on the principle of reciprocity," concluded Medvedev, recalling that the Russian president had previously signed a decree to seize US assets and those who tolerate them.

Western sanctions imposed against Russia at the end of February 2022 after the start of a special military operation in Ukraine affected banks and private accounts and formed the basis for the freezing of part of the foreign reserves of the Russian Central Bank. In total, almost half of the funds were blocked – about $300 billion out of a total of $640 billion.

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