Friday, June 28, 2024

Is The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System?

The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

If the bird flu were to suddenly be transmissible from person to person, there would be every reason to suspect gain-of-function bioweapons research.  But, all the hype about whether the bird flu will become a human pandemic might just be a distraction.

The bird flu could be used as an excuse to shut down animal farming altogether.  From the perspective of the business interests and billionaires behind the World Economic Forum, that would be the perfect way to force a shift from real farms to fake food.

And, food rationing might be the easiest way for them to get people to adopt digital IDs in anticipation of the imposition of central bank digital currencies.

In the following, as well as describing the history of bird flu bioweapons, Alexis Baden-Mayer names those who are behind the making of them. “There’s a significant overlap between the people, corporations, and institutions involved in gain-of-function bioweapons research and those involved in the push to replace real farms with fake food,” she writes.

If the bird flu were to suddenly be transmissible from person to person, there would be every reason to suspect gain-of-function bioweapons research.

But, all the hype about whether the bird flu will become a human pandemic might just be a distraction.

So far, the US government’s response to the bird flu has been to kill millions of chickens – 85.87 million birds killed since 2022.

From an animal welfare perspective, it’s viciously cruel. From a sustainable agriculture perspective, it’s senseless. From a food justice perspective, it means skyrocketing food prices, more hungry people, and worse food quality.

We’re going to be told that the only alternative to mass killings is vaccination (and probably only risky experimental mRNA shots, at that) but animal welfare advocates, regenerative organic farmers, and vaccine safety experts know better.

Would the pharmaceutical companies be willing to create a full-blown food crisis for the opportunity to vaccinate 33 billion chickens?  Probably, but there are plenty of bad actors who would see opportunities in a food crisis.

The biggest meat companies would love to consolidate their control of the food system by getting rid of the last remaining independent family farmers.

The World Economic Forum, the billionaires and the biotech companies would love to replace real farms with fake food.

These same globalists are always looking for new reasons why countries should give up their national sovereignty over public health policy to the World Health Organisation.

They might just want to pick up where their vaccine passport idea left off, and use digital IDs to ration food as Iran has done, and then replace the dollar with a central bank digital currency that functions as a social credit system.

Even as the so-called “public health” establishment gins up human cases – it’s a safe bet that any factory farm worker would be sick and have viruses up their nose after breathing manure all day – they are currently insisting there’s no person-to-person spread, the public health risk is low and the food from animals that test positive is safe to eat.

But, as Christian Westbrook reported in 2022, former Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) Director Robert Redfield predicted on national television that bird flu would jump to humansand be highly fatal, triggering a “Great Pandemic” for which COVID-19 was a mere warm-up.

I suspect this is only fear-mongering to be used as an excuse to continue with the mass killing of asymptomatic birds and at some point “necessitate” the vaccination of billions of animals.

However, it wouldn’t completely surprise me if the “low public health risk” message coming out of US regulatory agencies right now were to suddenly shift to “it’s an emergency” when they decide the timing’s right.


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