International Man: Why does the assassination of JFK still matter today?
Doug Casey: Assassination has always been part and parcel of the political landscape since at least the days of the Egyptian pharaohs. Sometimes, assassinations can change the course of world history.
Two outstanding examples are that of Julius Caesar in 44 BC, which precipitated Rome’s change from a republic to an empire, and that of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, which ignited World War I.
Assassins come in two main flavors. Sometimes, it’s simply an individual or group with an ideological difference of opinion, a grudge, or a wish to make a point. That was the case with Ferdinand. Sometimes however, the assassins want to grab the reins of power. That was the case with Caesar.
Which was it with JFK? Was Lee Harvey Oswald a solo actor? Or was he part of a greater conspiracy? I’m partial to the latter view. Even assuming that Oswald was even the assassin—which is unlikely.
International Man: In his first week in office, President Trump issued an Executive Order to release the remaining JFK files. After a lengthy delay, the government finally made the files public nearly two months later.
Tucker Carlson recently remarked: “There is active pressure on elected officials to stop this disclosure… now, in 2025. Who is powerful enough to intimidate people into delaying this release? What force is influencing the new administration to prevent the disclosure?”
What are your thoughts?
Doug Casey: The Deep State in general, and the CIA in particular, are powerful institutions with lots of money, force, and cultures that tend to close ranks when under attack. Their members are intensely loyal not just because, on the upside, the institution treats them well and fills their rice bowls, but can give them immense wealth and privileges. Betraying them is dangerous.
That’s why members of the praetorian agencies like the CIA and NSA are typically much more loyal to their employer and coworkers than the government or even the country itself. They’ll defend the institution that they’ve built their lives around.
There are dozens of armed entities within the US government. The most intimidating include the 17 comprising the so-called Intelligence Community, as it’s officially known. They resemble the Praetorian guards of the Roman Empire. It’s perversely amusing doublespeak that they’re referred to as a “community,” which sounds friendly and benign. Tulsi Gabbard is unlikely to have any success reining them in. It’s more likely that she’ll either be evicted or co-opted by them.
They have unit cohesion. They have armed forces. They have cultures of intense secrecy and large “black budgets.” They’re used to circulating in the halls of power, which puts them in a position to understand and, therefore—quite naturally—disrespect the people who are the country’s nominal rulers.
The front-facing politicos are dangerous enough. But the powers behind the throne are the real danger. Especially the CIA, because of its history and traditions and the fact that the things it does are largely kept secret by law. “National security,” you know…